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Real Death Pictures | Warning Graphic Images (56 Viewing)
This area is for all crime related death pictures that do not fit into other areas. Please note, the photos in this forum are gory, so be warned.

Real Death Videos | Warning Graphic Videos (86 Viewing)
An area for real crime related death videos that do not fit into other areas. Please note, the videos in this forum are gory, so be warned.

Real War & Combat Related Footage (11 Viewing)
This area will be for images and videos of real war footage. This stuff can be gory, but does not have to be, it just needs to be real war or combat stuff.

Human Deformities & Medical Problems (12 Viewing)
A collection of images and videos showcasing HUMAN and ANIMAL deformities. These can range from plagues, birth defects, accidents, psychological problems, and more.

Vintage Medicine and Black and Whites (1 Viewing)
An area for old black and white photos, anything that is old and unusual, and relates to death or medicine.

Real Medical Autopsy Photos & Videos (4 Viewing)
This area has been added for the more medically inclined people. It will have all threads related to autopsies, coroner's work, funeral homes, etc.

Celebrity Death Pictures & Famous Events (15 Viewing)
An area for all celebrity death photos and crime scene pictures from famous criminal investigations.

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The Water Cooler | Social Experimentation Lab (8 Viewing)
A chat room to shoot the shit, talk about life, nonsense etc. Opinions are high in here and arguments do happen. Feelings can get hurt so not for the feeble minded and thin skinned, you have been warned.

Interesting People, Places, Things, Animals (20 Viewing)
This area is for documentary films, interesting people, places, animals, things, and unusual events that have occurred, and to continue to occur around the world.

Current Events | In The News (14 Viewing)
Please only post CURRENT events and news related stories here. Pictures and Video of the events in the post are preferred. No flaming or trolling here, you will be banned.

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Real Car Crash & Accident Videos (3 Viewing)
An area for real traffic crashes and gruesome accidents caught on cctv, dashcams, and cell-phones.

Real Street Fighting Videos (4 Viewing)
An area for real street fight videos, the kind where people beat the crap out of each other, then the cops show up.

Plane Crashes & Aircraft Disasters (7 Viewing)
An area for pictures and videos relating to plane crashes, helicopter crashes, and aircraft disasters.

Natural Disasters & Extreme Weather Events (2 Viewing)
A collection of pictures and videos that show the death and destruction caused by natural disasters and extreme weather events.

Catastrophic Failure & Destruction (3 Viewing)
Pictures and videos that show massive destruction or catastrophic failure as it relates to machinery, devices, structures, or whatever.

Coast Guard Distress Calls & Marine Disasters
This is area is for marine related disasters, and anything relating to the Coast Guard. This can be shipwrecks, sinkings, coast guard audio, etc.

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Real Police & Crime Related Videos (5 Viewing)
This area is for police chases, shootings, arrests, dashcam, cctv, and other crime related videos.

Real 911 Calls & Police Dispatch Audio (3 Viewing)
An area for real 911 calls and police dispatch recordings. Please include as much information as you can.

Open Records & Government Documents
An area for documents like declassified papers, police documents, and Freedom of Information Act material.

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True Crime, Cold Cases, & Death Investigations (1 Viewing)
This area is for true crime cases that will have more detailed information then you would typically see in a news story, these should just be related to everyday crime, not famous events.

Members Art, Writing, Music & Reviews (1 Viewing)
This area is for members to show off their artistic abilities, writing abilities, or musical talents. Stuff in here should be created by members, not reposted from the web.

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Hot Girls (What Boys Want) (28 Viewing)
Hot pictures of celebrities or just everyday people. Do not post anyone under 18 and no nudity, this is a non-nude forum.

Hot Guys (What Girls Want)
This section was requested by the ladies here, it will have posts relating to celebrity guy pictures, male models, etc.

Extreme Sports Video Channel (4 Viewing)
This area is for extreme sporting events such as MMA Videos, X-Game Videos, Base Jumping, Wing Suit Free Flying, and all other videos relating to extreme sporting events.

Fail Videos and Other Funny Stuff (27 Viewing)
This area is for those Fail Videos, Owned Videos, and all the other general funny pictures and video.

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Forum Support & Announcements
This area will be for support requests and questions relating to the site, as well as for general site announcements. You can also post any feature requests for the forum in this area.

Documenting Reality Forum |

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