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Stupid Criminal Falls From Ceiling In Store Break In

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Stupid Criminal Falls From Ceiling In Store Break In 

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Old 04-26-2012, 03:33 PM
Faline's Avatar
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Video Surveillance shows this dumb criminal fall from ceiling in neighborhood store. This bright criminal from Ambridge, Pa. made a hole in the apartment above the store and attempted to stealth-fully gain entry into the store. The criminal, Nicholas Pellon frequents the store a regular basis and is also afforded credit on occasion from the store owner... Not anymore!

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File Type: mp4 Surveillance%20Video_%20Stupid%20criminal%20falls%20from%20the%20Ceiling%20b.mp4 (2.22 MB , 152 views)
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Old 04-26-2012, 04:21 PM
kellyhound's Avatar
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Stupid fool lol
too bad he didn't break both his ankles.

Four other people -- three waiting in a get-away vehicle and one in possession of power tools -- were mentioned in the police report but have not been charged.

The apartment above Moh's Market is vacant, and the door had been forced open, according to the report. Police found a drill bit, an empty package of reciprocating saw blades and the nylon rope scattered around a square hole carved in the apartment floor.

The surveillance video has some comedic moments. According to the police report, after handing a white trash bag full of cigarettes through the hole, Pellon moved to the front door. He snapped the handle off the door and was unable to open it. He went to the rear of the store and broke a window, but could not escape.

The police report said Pellon was "obviously very frantically trying to get out of the building because he knocks over a Western Union display."

The car with three people waiting outside left before police arrived.

Jimmy Mann, acting police chief, said Pellon managed to get out through a basement door, but he returned to the scene a short time later, where police who had viewed the video were waiting.

Wearing the boots featured in the video, Pellon was apprehended, according to the report. He remained in the Beaver County Jail Tuesday after being unable to post a $20,000 bond.
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