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Shocking Video- Skokie Cop Split Woman Face Open * Update - Section 2

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Shocking Video- Skokie Cop Split Woman Face Open * Update 

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Old 10-17-2013, 10:10 AM
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Originally Posted by AceBoon View Post
You know nothing about her to warrant your judgmental comment. I don't care what she said, he was in the wrong for pushing her into the cell like that. He'd quickly arrest someone else for assault had they done the same thing.
True, I know nothing about her. It's just my desire to see people who actually deserve to be treated like shit treated like shit. So I hope she deserved to be treated like shit. Because that's how she got treated.

And also, she looks like a coke-head. Look at those eyes. Crack-whore eyes.
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Old 10-18-2013, 12:51 AM
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Did the officer make it home safely at the end of his shift? Ok.........that is all that matters.
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Old 10-18-2013, 07:05 PM
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They can't fire him (yet). They know there is a major lawsuit on the horizon.
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Old 10-18-2013, 08:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Shakey View Post
They can't fire him (yet). They know there is a major lawsuit on the horizon.
You're right. Firing him would be admitting that they know he was wrong.
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Old 11-03-2013, 01:59 AM
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Originally Posted by JohnFrash View Post
I did. I didn't see what you described. Her hand was bloody. It showed the aftermath. There were just a few stitches. When someones face is "shattered" and "pouring blood" and "split open" I expect something a tad more dramatic. It is just inaccurate, lazy reporting done to provoke a response. It would have been more responsible, unbiased reporting to say that her "cheekbone was broken and she received six stitches" instead of "her effin face was pulverized to shreds, yo!". I feel like it makes the legitimate show of excessive force that she endured seem somehow less legitimate, at least in my eyes.
C'mon. Use your head. Take all the information in its entirety. The text doesn't lie just bc you didn't get to see your gory emergency room pictures. Just bc the vid was in black & white, you shouldn't assume that the damage to this woman's face was less than as described in the text. Just bc the black & white text is so much less exciting than colorful bloody pictures you imagined you would see here, the text may still be an accurate representation of the facts.

How come you couldn't recognize that the large black spot on the prison floor was the pool of blood that was pouring out of her face when it was "split open" on the edge of a concrete bench?

What is it about "multiple serious facial injuries" that you don't appreciate to mean "shattered" her eye orbit as well as her cheek bone? She probably sustained a concussion as well. Since the shoving, she continues to have vision and dental problems.

How come, when plastic surgeons had to reconstruct that entire side of her face using titanium screws and plates, you only focused on the scar they couldn't fix and had to stitch?

How come you took those stitches to represent the entire measure of what were her internal as well as external injuries?

Do you mean to tell me that you need a bloody mess of graphic images that fit your idea of what "someone who's face was pulverized to shreds" should look like in order to validate their claim of sustaining serious facial injury? Really?

Maybe you've been in DR too long.

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Old 11-03-2013, 07:58 AM
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Because that is how the saying goes: "A picture is worth a thousand words". I still think the article exaggerated her injuries for the sake of story. I get it, you over-sympathize with females and demonize anyone who disagrees. I was merely trying to say hyperbole doesn't help her case when she legitimately suffered injury. But thanks for being vaguely insulting and condescending for no reason. For the record, if you want anybody to respect the opinions you feel so strongly about, take it down a notch and quit being so flippin rude about it.
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Old 11-04-2013, 12:41 AM
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Old 11-04-2013, 12:10 PM
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Oh well. At least AceBoon and I can disagree and still get along. That makes me happy. Does anybody get that I am coming from a place of concern for the victim? My post also contained phrases like "slimebag cop" and "legitimate show of excessive force". I am against exaggeration of injuries, not because I am defending the cop, but because a defense attorney will turn that rhetoric around on her so fast. Any present deception (or slight exaggeration which could be perceived as deception) combined with a previous record (which may or may not be a possibility) will destroy any case she has against the officer in question. And I think everybody (hopefully) can agree the officer needs to be reprimanded regardless of whether her injuries are moderate or severe.
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Old 11-04-2013, 11:32 PM
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Originally Posted by JohnFrash View Post
Oh well. At least AceBoon and I can disagree and still get along. That makes me happy. Does anybody get that I am coming from a place of concern for the victim? My post also contained phrases like "slimebag cop" and "legitimate show of excessive force". I am against exaggeration of injuries, not because I am defending the cop, but because a defense attorney will turn that rhetoric around on her so fast. Any present deception (or slight exaggeration which could be perceived as deception) combined with a previous record (which may or may not be a possibility) will destroy any case she has against the officer in question. And I think everybody (hopefully) can agree the officer needs to be reprimanded regardless of whether her injuries are moderate or severe.
I try to go into any debate or conflicting opinion on a topic with an open mind and the willingness to accept that I may be wrong and it is possible that I may change my mind about whatever the issue is. When people go back and forth trying to prove their point and that they are "right" then neither party is really listening to what the other person has to say.
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Old 11-05-2013, 12:33 AM
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Charges filed against Skokie officer in videotaped jail cell incident
October 31, 2013|By Rosemary Regina Sobol and Robert McCoppin | Tribune reporters

Skokie Police Officer Michael Hart outside the Leighton Criminal Courts building after being released in lieu of $75,000 bail on Wednesday.

A Skokie police officer caught on video shoving a woman into a cell bench had become irate after she wouldn't look into the camera for her booking photo, according to prosecutors who have charged the officer with aggravated battery and official misconduct.

Officer Michael Hart pushed Cassandra Feuerstein so hard that it broke her eye socket, cut her cheek and loosened her teeth, prosecutors said. She needed reconstructive surgery to place a titanium plate in her cheek and still suffers vision problems and numbness in her face, her attorney said.

The charges came after Feuerstein's attorney, Torri Hamilton, filed a federal lawsuit this month alleging police brutality in the case and released a police video of the incident that attracted widespread attention on the Internet.

Cook County State's Attorney Anita Alvarez announced the charges Wednesday, saying her office takes the case "very seriously."

"It's pretty clear that he stepped over the line," Alvarez said. "Obviously (police officers) are there because of the public trust. ... It's a sad day when we have to announce charges against a police officer."

After Hart's arrest, Skokie officials announced they had placed him on paid leave until they can finish an internal investigation into the matter.

Hart, 43, has never been disciplined and has never been the subject of an excessive force complaint, said his attorney, Jed Stone.

Feuerstein had been arrested March 10 by another officer on suspicion of drunken driving. According to court documents, she repeatedly disregarded Hart's commands as he tried to get her mug shot taken. Prosecutors said she put both hands on either side of the cell door "to prevent Hart from placing her into the cell" — behavior Hart's attorney called "combative, unruly and disrespectful."

"Put that against the backdrop of a 19-year career police officer with an unblemished record, and explain to me why he's being prosecuted," Stone said. "This is a good officer. The law says police can use reasonable force to get someone to comply with a reasonable direction."

Feuerstein, 47, later pleaded guilty to drunken driving and received court supervision and a fine, Hamilton said. An additional charge of resisting a police officer was dropped.

Feuerstein works as a receptionist in a Loop office and lives on the North Side with her husband and two teenage daughters, her attorney said. She has received support in emails from around the world, including from police officers who said there was no excuse for such force.

"Seeing the state's attorney do the right thing is a further vindication for her," Hamilton said. "Cassandra didn't ask for special treatment. She just wants Hart to be treated like anybody else who's committed a crime."

Hart was freed after posting 10 percent of his $75,000 bail. Associate Judge Israel Desierto also ordered Hart to surrender all firearms.

Skokie Mayor George Van Dusen released a statement that officials would complete their review "shortly," adding: "It is every officer's duty to treat members of the public professionally and respectfully."
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