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Dallas, TX: Stolen U-Haul Truck Purposely Hits 13 Vehicles During Pursuit

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Dallas, TX: Stolen U-Haul Truck Purposely Hits 13 Vehicles During Pursuit 

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Old 07-29-2023, 08:51 PM
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Ryan Taylor, 41, shot at an officer twice before he was struck in the leg, the chief said.

The man shot and wounded by Dallas police Tuesday shot at an officer and drove into 13 cars in an attempt to evade capture during a high-speed chase, according to body-camera footage released by the department Friday.

About 11 a.m., covert and crime response team officers were watching a stolen U-Haul truck parked in the 9600 block of El Centro Drive when police say 41-year-old Ryan Taylor got inside and drove off, leading them on a chase.

At a news conference Friday morning, police Chief Eddie García said Taylor, who remained in the hospital Friday, faces charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, aggravated assault of a public servant, unauthorized use of a motor vehicle and evading arrest in a vehicle. It is unclear whether Taylor has an attorney.

García said Taylor noticed officers were following the U-Haul and “intentionally” backed into their vehicle, which caused the airbags to deploy.

Uniformed patrol officers were called in to stop Taylor, who sped through residential streets and onto the Dallas North Tollway. Footage shows officers yelled expletives as Taylor wove in and out of lanes and brushed against vehicles.

Officers followed a short distance behind him and called in their locations over police radio. García said no one inside the hit vehicles was seriously injured.
After more than 10 minutes, Taylor exited the tollway. He continued to evade officers and ran a red light, narrowly missing a turning DART bus, according to the footage.

Once he reached the 7200 block of Lemmon Avenue, he rammed into a car, crossed a center median and ultimately ran into a tree.

Taylor then got out of the truck and ran toward a private hangar building at the Frontiers of Flight Museum and Officer Keenan Craven followed. As Taylor entered the building, he turned and fired at the officer twice, García said.

Body-camera footage shows the officer fired more than a dozen times in response. Craven struck Taylor “at least once” in the leg, García said.

Craven repeatedly screamed at Taylor: “Drop the f—ing gun” and “Put your arms up, don’t f—ing move.”

“OK, I promise,” Taylor responded after Craven shot him. “I’m not moving.” Craven then instructed Taylor to crawl closer to the entrance where he could see him.

As Craven entered the building and hovered over Taylor, who was flat on his stomach, a trail of blood was visible along the path where he dragged his leg.

Officers put a tourniquet around his leg to stop the bleeding.

“Ouch, my leg!” Taylor said.

Taylor was taken into custody with injuries that weren’t considered to be life threatening, the chief said. No officers were injured.

Dallas police officers can chase a vehicle if they’ve determined the suspect is dangerous enough to warrant it. The public safety risk of the suspect remaining at large should be greater than the danger posed by a police pursuit, according to the department’s general orders.

Before an officer chases someone, they’re instructed to consider the conditions of the road, the weather, vehicle and pedestrian traffic in the area, the performance capabilities of the squad car and the suspect’s vehicle, the seriousness of the crime, whether other people are in the squad car, the age of the suspect and whether the suspect’s identity is known.

García said Taylor showed disregard for public safety when he “committed an aggravated assault on a covert officer in a car.”

“His intent was to cause some sort of wreck that would make our pursuit futile,” the chief said. “We’re just fortunate he didn’t hurt anybody else.”

The chief said Taylor has a lengthy criminal history, including pending charges of misdemeanor assault, theft and unauthorized use of a vehicle.

García noted an attempted murder charge would need to be filed by the district attorney’s office. The Dallas County district attorney’s office declined to comment Friday.

Jesuorobo Enobakhare Jr., chairman of Dallas’ Community Police Oversight Board, said the shooting will be discussed at their next monthly meeting in August.

The shooting was the fifth involving a Dallas police officer this year, the chief said.

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Old 07-30-2023, 02:02 PM
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Holy Fuck~ that one intersection where he threaded the needle~ Infuckingcredible!

That bus….
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Old 07-31-2023, 03:13 AM
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What a psychopath. The way social media is, I'm afraid that behavior will trigger copycats.
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Old 07-31-2023, 09:17 PM
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Perfect execution by the cop. Right when he got shot at he got off the mark, drew his weapon, and unloaded on that fucker. Perfect example of training/experience paying off.
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Old 08-01-2023, 04:23 AM
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He was just in a hurry to help some friends move.
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Old 08-01-2023, 05:24 PM
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Taylor, who had 10 previous criminal charges, was taken into custody and then to a local hospital. No officers were injured, and no injuries were reported in the 13 vehicles that Taylor crashed into along the way.

Officers found the handgun Taylor fired at the scene, which was reported stolen.

Taylor will be charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, aggravated assault of a public servant, unauthorized use of a motor vehicle, and evading arrest in a vehicle.
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