It's amazing how many people there actually are that abuse orphaned or abandoned children, just to abuse, starve, beat, burn, and torture them. Here are a few cases that were not really mentioned much in the national media. I am going to post 1 case at a time... ~~ Carrick Pennsylvania 2004: Haley Liberman was a little girl adopted by Debra Liberman, and the family resided in Allegheny County PA. During the week of Feb 10, 2004, police were called to Liberman's home at about 7:30 a.m. after a neighbor reported screams coming from the residence. The search of the Liberman house ended with the officers heading down into the home's basement. They noticed a safe sitting in front of a closed closet door....they moved the safe and found little 7 YO Haley in the coal closet. According to the report, the 50 YO woman struck the little Haley repeatedly with a set of a keys and a dog choker chain, scalding her with bleach and burning her wrists on a stove. After all of that she threw Haley into the coal closet, lit a furnace filter on fire, threw the burning filter into the closet and closed the door. She then moved the safe in front of the door so the girl could not get out. In February 2006, Liberman, was sentenced to 25 to 70 years in prison. Haley now lives with her adoptive father in Virginia. |
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~~Lubsy, Maryland 2008 After a small bruised and battered little girl jumped out of her 2nd story bedroom window to escape her mother, police were summoned to a home to investigate. In an up-right freezer, in a basement police found the frozen bodies of 2 small little girls. They were identified as Jasmine and Minnet Bowman. They were 2 of 5 children that were adopted by their foster parent, Renee Bowman. The video below is a compilation of news announcements that follow the story from beginning to end..... **********I have quite a few other cases I will be posting to this thread...still doing some research on them, but I should have them posted tomorrow evening****************** |
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So Fucking Banned Poster Rank:3277 male Join Date: Feb 2011 Mentioned: 0 Post(s) Quoted: 0 Post(s)
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Sad, God bless'em. So pathetic someone would harm something so dependant and defenseless. If they didn't want them then they should have put them back up for adoption. Hell I like kids. They're always yellin and runnin round wanting to blow stuff up. Setting fires or making some kinda weapon. Shit, I wish I had a little hellion to run around with. Life would be more entertaining and fun. |
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So Fucking Banned Poster Rank:424 Join Date: Jun 2009 Mentioned: 1 Post(s) Quoted: 210 Post(s)
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Catholic priests and Nuns.
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I wonder if the foster mother made it known to the last surviving child the fate of the other two? Or even maybe witnessed them die! I cant even imagine how scared that little girl was. Thank God she had the capacity to know she was in trouble, and didn't want to die, and jump from the second story window. And this didn't even make national news.
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Here is case #3.......more to follow.... ~~ Spring Hill, Florida February 2009 The 16-year-old adopted son of Tai-Ling Gigliotti knocked on a neighbor’s door asking for help. He had cuts and bruises all over his body and explained that his step-mother had forced him to strip nude, wrapped his hands in packing tape and then proceeded to beat the shit out of him with a 3-foot block of wood and a metal-tipped water hose. She then locked him in the bathroom from which he had just escaped. When police arrived, the story just got worse. The boy told officials that the abuse began with him being removed from his room and being forced to sleep in the hallway. 15-months ago, this was changed to being locked in the bathroom at night and when Tai-Ling went to work at the music shop she owns and operates. Tai-Ling would also turn off the power in the bathroom, leaving him in darkness. He also revealed he had not slept in a bed in 3 years and that food was also withheld from him routinely as part of his punishment. He had managed to escape from the bathroom on other occasions before this one, but instead of telling neighbors, he would go inside a Mercedes in the garage and listen to classical music. Tai-Ling later found out he was getting out and covered the window with plywood from the outside. The reason why he did not go to neighbors on these occasions was because Tai-Ling threatened that if he told, he would be deported. He also stated that the family’s Taiwanese culture required absolute submission to elders. But on this particular beating, she really did a number on him. She broke his right forearm and he had cuts and bruises on nearly every part of his body. The sheriff said the lacerations on the boy’s buttocks were so bad that “THERE WAS NO WAY THIS YOUNG MAN COULD EVEN SIT DOWN.” Medical workers also found scars from previous beatings. When investigators arrived to the home and began searching, they found the blood-stained pieces of wood and the water hose, as well as the locks on the bathroom door and the plywood over the bathroom window. As investigators worked inside the home, Tai-Ling was overheard telling someone on a cell phone that “HE MUST HAVE GOTTEN OUT OF THE ROOM,” the affidavit stated. Gigliotti adopted the teen from her sister, who lives in Taiwan. She brought him to the United States in 1998 when he was 4, and moved to Spring Hill after her husband died in 2001. Neighbors do not report anything amiss with the family, telling reporters that Tai-Ling was always pleasant and they frequently saw the boy outside, usually shadowed by Tai-Ling. Neighbor said the boy appeared very obedient, “ALMOST TO THE POINT OF BEING TRAINED.” A judge terminated Gigliotti's parental rights June 18 2009 at the request of the state Department of Children and Families. In July 2010 judge sentenced her to two 12-year prison terms (consecutively). Her defense attorney filed a motion for mistrial stating that information about the nephew's troubled past was not discussed during the trial. According to defense and court documents, the teen had sex with a 14-year-old boy while in foster care and also the boy being hospitalized for alcohol intoxication and lying about it to authorities. The DA responded that the child's behavior is NOT a defense for the accusations against Gigliotti. Mistrial motion was denied and sentence handed down remained unchanged. |
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Case # 4 I apologize for the length of this one...did not mean to make it such a "long read" but once I began to read into this case I was too mortified to stop...... ~~Cassandra Killpack Victim of "Attachment Therapy" ![]() Springville, Utah 2002 As his 4-year-old adopted daughter lay dying from water intoxication Richard Killpack explained to the 911 Dispatcher his daughters current life threatening emergency was a result of her “EMOTIONAL PROBLEMS” and “TEMPER TANTRUMS”. When a dispatcher initially asked what was wrong with little Cassandra, Richard Killpack said his daughter “had a lot of emotional problems. To make a long story short, she had one of her temper tantrums today. We needed to give her quite a bit of water. She threw up [water]…and then all of a sudden she’s just not there.…We can’t keep her eyes open.” EMTS FOUND THE GIRL UNCONSCIOUS, WITH A DISTENDED BELLY AND PINK FOAM COMING FROM HER MOUTH. Cassandra Killpack died early the next morning. MEDICAL EXAMINERS MADE THE CAUSE OF DEATH AS WATER INTOXICATION, a condition characterized by brain swelling, fatally dropping sodium levels, vomiting and dysfunction in the central nervous system. Killpack, 34, and his wife, Jennete, 26, have been charged with child-abuse homicide and felony child-abuse in connection with her death. PROSECUTORS ALLEGE THE COUPLE PUNISHED THE GIRL FOR SNEAKING SIPS OF A SIBLING’S KOOL-AID BY SITTING HER ON A BAR STOOL, TYING HER HANDS BEHIND HER BACK WITH THE HELP OF HER 7-YEAR-OLD SISTER, AND FORCING HER TO DRINK A LETHAL AMOUNT OF WATER. The couple also was charged with another count of felony child-abuse, a third-degree felony, for allegedly involving their elder daughter in Cassandra’s punishment. There were cuts and bruises were found around Cassandra’s mouth, EVIDENCE OF THE FORCE USED TO MAKE HER DRINK. The Killpacks’ explanation does not fit the medical evidence. “She’s seeing a psychiatrist,” Killpack told the dispatcher. “She’s got a really bad case of RAD, she has temper tantrums, she zones out. But this is the worst I’ve ever seen it.” Killpack said the girl may have hit her head when she “threw herself” off the bar stool, about an hour before the 911 call was made. “She was drinking water, and we told her to get down,” he said. He said the girl was complaining of a headache about 20 minutes before he called. Cassandra was sent to “time out,” but complained she couldn’t keep her legs still, he said. The Killpacks told her to “go potty and go to bed,” he said. The amount of water ingested, prosecutors have said, caused the girl’s levels of sodium and electrolytes to fall and her brain to swell. During a television interview, the couple said the water drinking was punishment for Cassandra’s “sneaking and lying,” as advised by therapists from the Cascade Center for Family Growth in Orem, Utah. According to Richard Killpack the rules set by the therapists, said, Cassandra had to ask for everything, including food and water, “to help her understand dependency & understand that her mom and dad loved her.” Killpack said Cassandra was told to drink three 8-ounce glasses of water because she TOOK WATER WITHOUT ASKING. After about 12 ounces, she threw a temper tantrum, he said, then obeyed their request. According to the medical examiner this is not the case. The girl was FORCED to drink as much as a gallon of water and that the force-feeding began about six hours before the 911 call was made. “She started to complain her head was dizzy. I asked her to come over to me, and she passed out in our arms,” Killpack said. Added Jennete Killpack: “Her death was a tragic, tragic accident.” Danielson said the couple sought help at Cascade because Cassandra, who reportedly had been physically and sexually abused before her adoption, and the parents did not feel she bonding with them. The Killpacks’ two other daughters were placed in foster care. In a SHOCKING UNBELIEVABLE twist…..the verdict rendered in January 2006 was split….Richard Killpack was ACQUITED of all charges, Jenette was found GUILTY , and sentenced to up to 15 years in prison. ************The last update for the case that I came across states that Jenette Killpack had a parole hearing in January 2011. During her parole hearing Killpack tearfully apologized for Cassandra's death. She claimed she forced the girl to drink water, and administered other harsh forms of discipline on the advice of therapists who were treating the little girl for behavioral problems. Her closing statement to the parole board was this: “I know that I was completely, 100 percent responsible for my choices, my actions and my beliefs. I do not blame anybody else for the decisions that I made." As of right now, the parole board has SCHEDULED HER RELEASE FROM PRISON TO TAKE PLACE IN 2012. In the other abuse stories I posted, I really did not put in any of my own opinions. However, upon researching some adoption abuse cases I have stumbled upon a staggering number of adopted children, that have been murdered all as a result of ATTACHMENT THERAPY!! It is absolutely flabbergasting and sadly disgusting!!! I will be poking around in this subject a lot more, so I will post additional cases as I complete the research and organize the information. |
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so sad ![]() ![]() |
Jesus Christ, she's a 4 year old girl.. you're trying to teach her about "Dependancy" and "sneaking and lying" Make her some fucking kool aid and get off your fucking high horses, jesus.. people with this kind of think just boggle my mind.. how fuck twisted do you have to be to convince yourself that you're helping your adopted daughter "love her mother and father" by tying her hands and forcing her to drink, just because she didn't ask you for one thing? Sick pieces of shit. |
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Just horrible. ![]() ![]() |
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