Man Survives Huge ‘Alien’ Tumor SACRAMENTO (CBS13) — When Josh Abken told his doctor he was having persistent back pain about a year ago, the doctor took an x-ray. The Chico-area school vice principal said he was stunned to learn what was growing inside him. “You think you got a serious muscle pull or something, [but] the doctor has that serious doctor face you see on TV,” Abken said. “They didn’t really know what was growing inside of me.” They named it Gill: A soccer-ball size “alien” tumor that had become as solid as a rock and even had growing tentacles. Abken and his family made shirts bearing the motto “Kill Gill,” based on the movie posters for the film “Kill Bill.” Source: 06/02/2011 |
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Man, cancer is scarier than I thought. It's like it's trying to create another you inside you! |
Yeah....cancer is one of my worst nightmares....just the thought of it.
there's a video on the source page, it's javascripted and won't embed here, worth checking out if you missed it.
Here's the video Huge tumour! |