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Pilonidal Cyst - Section 2
Old 01-29-2023, 02:12 PM
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Originally Posted by LadyNightmare View Post
I could not imagine how much that hurt. You're tougher that me!! It hurts just thinking about it!! I did watch one of the extractions on You Tube and I just cringed for 20 minutes! I could not believe the amount of hair that was in there. I still cringe when thinking about it! Maybe I'll go to you tube and watch it again!!
It seemed to appear out of nowhere. I couldn't hide the pain so the guys at work were making fun of me because I couldn't sit down. I managed to finish the day, drive home, and then get a ride to a "dermatologist" the next day so I could lay on my side in the back seat. She lanced it and gave me antibiotics, nothing for pain, and said it would clear up, so she obviously had no business doing medicine because it burst while I was sleeping. I watched those same YouTube videos years later and wish I had remembered the name of the practice because that is malpractice in my opinion. I know I am not a doctor either but I know enough now to see how it should've been handled.
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Old 02-06-2023, 12:46 AM
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I had one. The Doc asked if I fainted easily. By the time my pea brain processed what he said, he was cutting/digging it out while I was eating an unsalted cotton towel. Hurt like a MF.
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