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Screw to the Eye
Old 02-06-2023, 12:17 AM
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An accident with a boy and a screw in his left eye. He was watching his father mow the lawn when a screw that was lying in the grass hit him in the eye.

X-ray shows how deep the metal is stuck in his eye socket.
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Old 02-06-2023, 02:46 AM
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"Luckily" the screw that hit the child's eyeball did not damage the lens. Thanks to this, his eyes were able to fully return to normal. However, due to this injury, a lot of blood flowed out of the boy's eyes and the eyeballs are still covered with bloodshot eyes and the next step of treatment is still needed to see the light of day again. The doctors thought the surgery worked very well. If the screw were shot a little further to the right, the boy would be blind in his left eye.

On the 21st of June 2020, the British "Sun" published a news saying that when a toddler boy from Thailand was playing in the garden at home, his father just took a hand-held lawn mower to trim his garden lawn. A metal screw shot out of the lawn mower without warning and hit the boy's eyeball, nearly killing the boy's eyesight. The operation to remove the screw was successful and the boy is now in good health and recovering at the local eye hospital.
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