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Protestor Bumps Into Police Officer Who Stopped Walking, Gets Thrown to Ground

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Protestor Bumps Into Police Officer Who Stopped Walking, Gets Thrown to Ground 

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Old 01-16-2023, 06:14 PM
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Original "misleading" title: Protestor Bumps Into Police Officer Who Stopped Walking, Gets Beaten

East Meadow, New York

Personally I don't get why the police were fine with the protestor until he slightly bumped an officer, at which point he gets thrown to the ground by several officers.
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File Type: mp4 scum%20police.mp4 (8.30 MB , 382 views)
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Old 01-16-2023, 09:53 PM
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You need to chill on the misleading titles. The guy didn't get beat up in that video. But he clearly wanted to get arrested and was probably hoping to get beat up in the process and get the cops in trouble.
All I see is an arrest. If he was in fact beat up or injured post some evidence otherwise leave your agenda out.
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Old 01-17-2023, 10:14 AM
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This is why 2A is so important, especially at protests. Bitch ass pigs act right when you can blow their shoulder off from across the street.
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Old 01-17-2023, 10:45 AM
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Originally Posted by Hogmann View Post
You need to chill on the misleading titles. The guy didn't get beat up in that video. But he clearly wanted to get arrested and was probably hoping to get beat up in the process and get the cops in trouble.
All I see is an arrest. If he was in fact beat up or injured post some evidence otherwise leave your agenda out.
Even if not beaten up, here he gets tackled and forced to the ground by several police officers, for slightly bumping into a police officer who stopped walking. Maybe he was asking for trouble, but the response is surely way overboard.
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Old 01-17-2023, 10:50 PM
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Originally Posted by TheCruxofBag View Post
Even if not beaten up, here he gets tackled and forced to the ground by several police officers, for slightly bumping into a police officer who stopped walking. Maybe he was asking for trouble, but the response is surely way overboard.
Maybe it was over the top, but still not "beaten up".
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Old 01-19-2023, 02:16 PM
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At minimum that was jaywalking
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Old 01-20-2023, 03:06 PM
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People like this should stay home and beat off or play video games like the rest of their kind. Dullards.
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Old 01-21-2023, 12:16 AM
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Looks to me like the cops waited for the paddy wagon to arrive, then they made the arrest. Efficiency.
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Old 01-21-2023, 12:26 AM
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Originally Posted by TheCruxofBag View Post
Even if not beaten up, here he gets tackled and forced to the ground by several police officers, for slightly bumping into a police officer who stopped walking. Maybe he was asking for trouble, but the response is surely way overboard.
No that was not overboard in any way, shape or form. That was a simple take down of a man who was actively trying to evade arrest. No, it is not okay to let a resisting subject run away to prevent skinning his knees.

You are wildly speculating that the arrest was due to a bump. I more accurately speculate that he was arrested because he was disobeying lawful orders to disband, as we all know that groups of "protesters" turn into rioters in the flick of a switch.
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Old 01-21-2023, 04:45 AM
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This happened 2 years ago.

Peaceful protests in East Meadow, New York, turned contentious when police were seen on video shoving a protester to the ground.

A video of the protest that went viral shows Terrel Tuosto of West Hempstead, a nearby town on Long Island, walking alongside Nassau County police officers.

Officers repeatedly tell Tuosto to “move to the side” of the street and he responds, “we’ve got this whole street.”

Officers tell Tuosto and other protesters again to remain on the southbound side of the street.

Tuosto responds, “I have the right to walk where I want to walk,” and continues to walk before an officer appears to stop abruptly in front of him, causing Tuosto to bump into the officer.

Officers are then seen restraining Tuosto and shoving him into the ground. Meanwhile, protesters can be heard yelling at police officers, defending Tuosto by saying he isn’t resisting arrest.

Police commissioner says officers have acted ‘professional’

Three protesters were arrested for disorderly conduct, Nassau County Executive Laura Curran and Police Commissioner Patrick Ryder said in a news release. Police repeatedly made attempts to keep protesters off moving lanes of traffic, the release said.

“This safety precaution was met with strong opposition and resistance which resulted in the arrests of these subjects,” the release said, adding the arrests come after days of peaceful protests with very few arrests.

In an emailed statement to CNN, Ryder said the county police “has provided security for thousands of people at over 80 mostly peaceful protests over the past two weeks.” He also said in the statement that the department supports free speech.

When asked by CNN whether he believes excessive force was used by his officers, Ryder said his officers “have acted extremely professional and this is evident by the peaceful outcomes of these protests.”

He said any complaints regarding Nassau County officers could be directed to Internal Affairs or the Nassau County District Attorney’s Office.

Tuosto says he sustained injuries.
Tuosto said police tried to keep protesters to one side of the street but said officers did not give protesters justification as to why they could not take up the entire road, as they had in protests up to that point.

Tuosto confirmed to CNN that he is the person in the video and said he sustained injuries to his knee – which had recently been operated on – as well as his back and neck. He claims officers held him down with a knee on both his back and his neck. Officers charged him with disorderly conduct, Tuosto said.

“They treat me as a criminal, but I am not a criminal,” Tuosto said. “They tried to scare us, intimidate us, discourage us. That’s not going to work.”

Tuosto said he spent six hours in a holding cell before he was processed and released. He told he’s been protesting every day for the past two and a half weeks and said he believes part of the police’s response stemmed from their belief that they think the protests will die down soon.

“The sentiment I heard while I was with police officers (in the holding cell) was, ‘You guys had your fun the last couple weeks, but playtime is over,’” he said. “It could have gone a lot worse if there weren’t people and cameras there.”

Tuosto has a court date in September, he told.
His bother was also arrested. Both organized another protest few days later.,126321
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