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Prison Break in Brazil
Old 10-15-2020, 09:41 AM
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The Secretariat of Penitentiary Administration (Seape) of the Federal District reported that 17 inmates fled the Papuda Penitentiary Complex at dawn on Wednesday (14). Until the last update of this report, six detainees had been captured.

At around 2 am, military and criminal police began searching for the inmates. According to the prison administration, they fled through the roof of the Provisional Detention Center (CDP) - where they remain in prison who have not yet been convicted and are awaiting trial.

"All the necessary measures are already being taken, both for the recapture of the fugitives, as well as for investigating the circumstances in which the escape occurred," said the secretary of Penitentiary Administration of the Federal District, delegate Agnaldo Curado, in a note sent by Seape .

Among the fugitives, two served time in a closed regime, 12 were in the provisional and one in the semi-open. One of them received level three of dangerousness, which is considered risky by the prison system. There is no information about the crimes committed.

The names of the inmates who were on the run until 1 pm:

Antonio Marcos da Silva de Souza
Paulo Henrique Silva de Castro
Wanderson da Silva Santos
Erison Vieira de Moraes
Márcio Vinícius de Souza Andrade
Romildo Santos da Silva
Ismauro Gonçalves de Oliveira
Gabriel Nathan da Rocha Bessio
Pétryck Cardoso de Souza
Thiago Henrique Souza Silva
Lucas Caldeira da Silva
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Old 10-15-2020, 10:44 PM
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