Turkish authorities could not verify the footage.
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xebat |
painted the rocks with that ones face
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adamsmasher, Arevalosocom, Bad_Ash, BiothDaSloth, CasTex, Cathedral, condor5, DeathByMayonnaise, ezeemonee, Graphire78, horsecs, Oswald2001, Paupercool1, shiverpudlian, The Krokodil |
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ObamaPhones666 |
An Arab Paper Stated That These Soldiers Were Pissed Over Videos Posted By The PKK Ambushing Turkish Soldiers! But These PKK Female Fighters Stopped To Help A Turkish Soldier Wounded During A Firefight Who Begged For Their Help! And the Two Girls Did Stop To Help Him! He Pleaded To the Others Not To Harm the Women! When He Was Told That, Both Girls Were Executed, He Had the Cellphone Footage Released! Now! The PKK Will Execute Wounded Turkish Soldiers! From This Morning News Report: 5:AM EST Amateur footage emerged on Saturday showing what appears to be Turkish soldiers executing two female PKK insurgents at point-blank range. Al-Masdar News that released the footage says they are not able to independently verify it. A ceasefire between Turkey and the PKK ended last year and clashes have since claimed hundreds of lives on both sides. The PKK operates primarily in the mountanious terrain of southeastern Turkey and often uploads footage of its Kurdish fighters ambushing Turkish government troops. The tension between Kurdish fighters and Turkish government have always been high in past years. In yet one of the most recent cases, a Turkish court banned the co-leader of Turkey's pro-Kurdish opposition from traveling abroad as part of a court case in which she has been accused of being a member of an armed terrorist group, Hurriyet daily reported on Saturday, Reuters reported. Figen Yuksekdag, co-chair of Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), is facing jail time up to 15 years over comments she made last year in the southeastern border town of Suruc. The prosecutor of the case requested the ban. HDP described the court's decision to bar Yuksekdag from foreign travel as 'political and arbitrary', saying in a statement that it will make a formal appeal for its overturn. The move comes days after the co-mayors of Diyarbakir, the largest city in the southeast, were detained as part of a security crackdown. Turkey's largely Kurdish southeast has been rocked by violence following the collapse of a ceasefire between the state and the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) last year. President Tayyip Erdogan has accused the HDP of being a political extension of the outlawed PKK and repeatedly called for the prosecution of its members. He has also said the removal of elected officials and civil servants accused of links to the PKK was a vital part of the battle against it. Several other HDP lawmakers including co-chair Selahattin Demirtas are also being prosecuted, largely over terrorism charges, after the parliament earlier this year lifted the immunity of HDP deputies, along with the immunity of MPs from other parties. Meanwhile three Turkish soldiers were killed and five others were wounded by mortar fire from PKK militants near the southeastern town of Cukurca, security sources said. Soldiers who were on an operation in Cukurca in Hakkari province bordering Iraq and Iraq returned the fire, sources said. Operations were under way to hunt down the militants. The autonomy-seeking PKK took up arms in 1984, and more than 40,000 people have died in the conflict. It is considered a terrorist group by Turkey, the United States and the European Union. PS: When Turkish Soldiers Capture PKK Female Fighters Alive, They're Gang Raped For Days! And Up To Many Weeks Before They’re Executed! Or Sold Off To Whore Houses! And Or, Wives! And Yet, They Keep On Fighting! |
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taner27 |
Fuck me. "He said,she said". Shut the fuck up. Pull a trigger at one group expect the same back. |
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Arevalosocom, Cannicus, Desert Rat, LuckiiDevil21, pwscottiv, requiemm44, russell515034 |
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popgoesthehead |
I like the way the PKK allow their women to dress normally and not wear the silly burkas. Too bad they were captured by the enemy cult and executed. ![]() |
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wannabe1988 |
Viva la PKK. The only "good guys" in the mideast
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AceGoober, Ahura Mazda, baphomet616, dbaile2, depraved1, Dogfood, dreamsneverend, ezeemonee, Fuchs414, GiJoe7898, heroeporsiempre, HonchoRyanC, JeremyJager, Johndoe123, jsmlove, kustom80, LoyalFreeman57, LT89, LuckiiDevil21, Miquiztli, MrEzzzkiel, ouagadougou, PATCHESxxSKA, Qberth, Rastio, Razorhead, Ronin3005, TheWesterley, thunder911, Vlayko, Vopo, William May, xebat |
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wannabe1988 |
No good deed goes unpunished.
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AceGoober, CaptainStabbin, Cathedral, depraved1, ezeemonee, Johndoe123, jsmlove, LERK, LouSinew, Oswald2001, pwscottiv, Rastio, shiverpudlian |
I wonder why they didn't take them as war trophies
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CasTex, Desert Rat, gogij, horsecs, LuckiiDevil21, panzer97, russell515034, The Krokodil, TheGreatEscape |
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shiverpudlian |
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So Fucking Banned Poster Rank:323 Male Join Date: Mar 2010 Mentioned: 13 Post(s) Quoted: 750 Post(s)
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I'm sure Turkey is going to be a bastion of justice, peace and prosperity in the coming years. Heres hoping Turks get lobotomised for going full Jihad. |
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depraved1, Desert Rat, diverapo, HonchoRyanC, Johndoe123, lobo221, LT89, Mr.Guano, Novacat222, ohnoexplode, Oswald2001, SaintFrankenstein, TheWesterley, William May, xebat |
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My Rank: MASTER GUNNERY SERGEANT Poster Rank:329 Dad always thought laughter was the best medicine, which is why several of us died of tuberculosis Join Date: May 2009 Mentioned: 1 Post(s) Quoted: 1298 Post(s)
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Bitches be trippin off those rocks
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CasTex, LuckiiDevil21, ObamaPhones666, Oswald2001, requiemm44, russell515034 |
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Vlayko |