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So sorry for you. I laugh at your ignorance and total lack of character. |
The Following 10 Users Say Thank You to dooshman For This Useful Post: | ||
Billthegravedigger, Bluegill, ebneter, motumbo, Pogrom, r0ch3z, Sharon, soonerpimp, Sypher209, woodsetton |
The Following Users Say Fuck Off To This Post By dooshman: | ||
shoottokill |
The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Pogrom For This Useful Post: | ||
Billthegravedigger, dooshman |
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we shall never forget or forgive if you dont like them dont watch them |
The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to cardsharksam For This Useful Post: | ||
Billthegravedigger, CuriousOne, Sharon |
Bill, knowing you took this footage, and saw all of this with your own eyes...it really touches me. Anyone seeing even the news footage of this is affected, but being there? I can't even imagine. The closest I came to losing someone was my favorite uncle was supposed to be on the plane that went into the Pentagon, and thankfully his flight got moved to a day earlier. It seems like you have had an unfair share of horrors in your life, and what you did for that neighbor makes you a courageous and amazing man. I am amazed and in awe =). I hope and pray you find some peace and a way to heal through all you have seen and been through. I will never understand the callous mindset towards 9/11 that people show. There is a reason why we say, "Never Forget" 9/11 is one of the horrors of this world's history, and the victims and brave people who saved lives that day should never, ever be forgotten or treated with such disrespect. It makes me sick, and it makes me sad. Whether you're an American or not, show some bloody respect. Granted, that's hard to find on a site like this, but seriously. If you don't care about it, don't go to the topic, don't bitch and moan about it, and certainly don't keep posting imbecilic comments and returning to the thread you hate. Duh. |
The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to CuriousOne For This Useful Post: | ||
Billthegravedigger, Darkest Angel, ebneter, Sharon |
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My Rank: PRIVATE Poster Rank:19098 Join Date: Mar 2011 Mentioned: 0 Post(s) Quoted: 0 Post(s) | ||||||||
im glad to see this video and lots of "innocent" people dieying...it was about time that this country got what it deserved during septermber 11, 2001....always sticking their noses in where it doesn't belong...
The Following 10 Users Said Fuck Off to GEOLEM51 For This Post: | ||
Darkest Angel,
Ed Gein,
The Grim Repper |
Bet you so wished you were amongst the 'innocents' seeing how ashamed you are. What a martyr you'd have been! If you wish this sort of atrocity on your own people, you're as bad as extremists. Go and live amongst them, you'll soon be squealing to come home.
The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Sharon For This Useful Post: | ||
BBKF, Billthegravedigger, Darkest Angel, Ed Gein, slash4321 |
^^^ This so much! I <3 you!
The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to soonerpimp For This Useful Post: | ||
BBKF, Billthegravedigger, Darkest Angel, Sharon |
Why don't you declare where you are from? If you're not ashamed that is.... |
The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to soonerpimp For This Useful Post: | ||
BBKF, Billthegravedigger, Sharon |
Bill, you've been talking about these pictures you have forever now! Why not post them? When are you going to deliver the goods? Let's see these baby's.
The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to bakuto50 For This Useful Post: | ||
Bluegill, r0ch3z |
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The Following User Says Thank You to VileMuse For This Useful Post: | ||
Billthegravedigger |