I had a 4th kind experience as a child. Three being's of light were discussing me and I overheard them, I remained still, awake, to listen, then one of the voices said, he's awake and listening. So I rolled over, and looked and there were three being's of light over the foot of my bed. The colors,,,,,, my god, beautiful. But, realizing I was seeing something unbelievable, I screamed, and they were gone. I didn't hear them audibly, they communicate telepathically. And over the years, I notice that I have a gift of seeing future events before they occur, Most shockingly, knowing when someone is going to die. Not the exact date, but it always happens after I get the mind-thought image.-- yeah.. really, it's painful, because the safety mechanism built into this gift.... is that there is no fool proof way of proving it, nor does anyone believe me. - some pretty smart extraterrestrials. fuckers.