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Underground Telescope Could Peer Beyond the Big Bang

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Underground Telescope Could Peer Beyond the Big Bang 

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Old 04-23-2011, 10:57 AM
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A telescope buried up to half a mile underground could give scientists their first glimpse of the dawn of the universe.
The ambitious new device is designed to detect gravitational waves – an elusive phenomena created by some of the most violent events in the universe such as black holes, neutron stars and the Big Bang.

Although they have never been directly detected, these waves of gravity are thought to echo through the universe like ripples from a stone thrown into a pond and they could provide scientists with a new way of mapping the sky.

The telescope, which is likely to cost between £500 million and £1 billion to build, will be built inside a network of tunnels 12 miles long and buried up to half a mile underground to dampen any interference from vibrations on the surface.

The project is expected to rival the Large Hadron Collider, the 17 mile particle smasher on the French Swiss Border that was switched on in 2008, in its scale and ambition.

Physicists claim the telescope will give them the first chance to see a black hole, which until now have only been detected indirectly because of the stars and debris orbiting them, and see into the centre of powerful stars known as neutron stars.

Physicists claim the Einstein telescope will give them the first chance to see black holes that sit at the centre of galaxies
Photo: AFP / NASA / ESA
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Old 04-23-2011, 03:49 PM
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they might not be ready for whatever they might find down there
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Old 04-23-2011, 05:36 PM
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Dirt I think, maybe some clay? Cool post I never heard about this and going to research this.
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Old 04-23-2011, 07:04 PM
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Old 04-24-2011, 12:40 PM
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That would be great
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Old 04-27-2011, 12:05 PM
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Looking forward to it being built.
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Old 05-25-2011, 12:53 AM
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Old 05-26-2011, 03:09 PM
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i wonder when the einstein telescope is due for completion

more from wiki :

Einstein Telescope (ET) is a future third generation gravitational wave detector, currently being designed by different institutions in the European Union. It will be able to test Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity in strong field condition and realize precision gravitational wave astronomy.

ET is officially a Design Study project supported by the European Commission under the Framework Programme 7 (FP7, Grant Agreement 211743). It concerns the study and the conceptual design for a new research infrastructure in the emergent field of Gravitational Wave Astronomy.


The evolution of the current gravitational wave detectors (LIGO and Virgo, so called first generation) is well defined: after the current upgrade to the so-called enhanced level, the detectors will evolve toward their second generation: the advanced LIGO and Virgo detectors. According to the current gravitational sources modeling, when these apparatuses will reach their nominal sensitivity, the detection of the gravitational waves seems assured in few months of data taking. But the sensitivity needed to test the Einstein’s gravity in strong field condition or to realize a precision gravitational wave astronomy, mainly of massive stellar bodies or of highly asymmetric (in mass) binary stellar systems goes beyond the expected performances of the advanced detectors and of their subsequent upgrades. In fact, for example, the fundamental limitations at low frequency of the sensitivity of the 2nd generation detectors are given by the seismic noise, the related gravitational gradient noise (so-called Newtonian noise) and the thermal noise of the suspension last stage and of the test masses.

To circumvent these limitations new infrastructures are necessary: an underground site for the detector, to limit the effect of the seismic noise, and cryogenic facilities to cool down the mirrors to directly reduce the thermal vibration of the test masses
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Old 07-17-2011, 05:11 PM
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It appears as though there is a common interest in astrology among gore enthusiasts. That's cool. Physicist say that the Laws of Physics break down at the singularity of a black hole because information should always remain that if you had an explosion for example theoretically you should be able to rewind that per se and every molecule or atom should still exist putting everything back to it's pre-explosion state. However, a black hole information goes in and never comes back. I have an answer for that. White Dwarfs explode causing a Supernova, when the gravitational pull on the dying star becomes so great it collapses into what is known as a black hole, like I previously stated scientist believe the Law of Physics tends to get a little hairy at this juncture. This is where they believe information is lost unable to be accounted for. Everything that is sucked into the black hole is destroyed thus it's gone forever. I BELIEVE, obviously I can't prove, but this makes plausible sense, everything still exists which agrees with the Laws of Physics, let me explain, Consider the Big Bang, which the theory implies that everything in the known universe expanded like a balloon in a matter of a second, this explosion/expansion came from a pen point singularity with immense power and energy which formed a new universe. Now my theory is that when a black hole opens up and forces everything down to its singularity when it reaches its maximum threshold it bursts causing a Big Bang effect creating a new universe, which collaborates with the idea that there is a multi-verse, which has universes like bubbles spawning off new universes via black holes and big bangs. This would also suggest that each universe is finite. Which answers another question? To me it's the only conclusion that makes sense, now all we need is the Einstein or Hawking to put the math together to prove this theory and then we will have the theory of everything. I want credit for the Idea..
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Old 06-19-2017, 12:16 PM
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Originally Posted by n2ecosystems View Post
It appears as though there is a common interest in astrology among gore enthusiasts. That's cool. Physicist say that the Laws of Physics break down at the singularity of a black hole because information should always remain that if you had an explosion for example theoretically you should be able to rewind that per se and every molecule or atom should still exist putting everything back to it's pre-explosion state. However, a black hole information goes in and never comes back. I have an answer for that. White Dwarfs explode causing a Supernova, when the gravitational pull on the dying star becomes so great it collapses into what is known as a black hole, like I previously stated scientist believe the Law of Physics tends to get a little hairy at this juncture. This is where they believe information is lost unable to be accounted for. Everything that is sucked into the black hole is destroyed thus it's gone forever. I BELIEVE, obviously I can't prove, but this makes plausible sense, everything still exists which agrees with the Laws of Physics, let me explain, Consider the Big Bang, which the theory implies that everything in the known universe expanded like a balloon in a matter of a second, this explosion/expansion came from a pen point singularity with immense power and energy which formed a new universe. Now my theory is that when a black hole opens up and forces everything down to its singularity when it reaches its maximum threshold it bursts causing a Big Bang effect creating a new universe, which collaborates with the idea that there is a multi-verse, which has universes like bubbles spawning off new universes via black holes and big bangs. This would also suggest that each universe is finite. Which answers another question? To me it's the only conclusion that makes sense, now all we need is the Einstein or Hawking to put the math together to prove this theory and then we will have the theory of everything. I want credit for the Idea..
This is.not.a ground.breaking idea. Its not even new. The spewing forth the data from hole is called a white hole.. like the other end of the worm hole...and we have no direct evidence.. but the math says its possible... Mabe its dark matter!
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