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FBI FOIA Request Language: Telling The FBI WHERE to Search

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FBI FOIA Request Language: Telling The FBI WHERE to Search 

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Old 10-14-2018, 10:52 PM
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So, you know WHAT file or other information you want the FBI to give you. You've already told them in your request exactly what file or information to search for, but now, you have to tell them WHERE to search!

Using the following language will help you greatly!

"Please conduct a search of the Central Records System, including but not limited to the Electronic Surveillance (ELSUR) Indices, the Microphone Surveillance (MISUR) Indices, the Physical Surveillance (FISUR) Indices, and the Technical Surveillance (TESUR) Indices, for both main-file records and cross-reference records for all relevant names and companies. Please search both HQ files and files of various field offices. The FBI is also asked to search ACS, as well as the Policy and Directives of the bureau pertaining to the subject of this request."
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The Following 11 Users Say Thank You to fctedg For This Useful Post:
based_skeletor, beepboop, Blackberrybelle, chris, cortdb, DarkAngelEdge, Karambit, kellyhound, scootpoot, shadowplay, StilettoDagger
Old 05-27-2019, 12:27 PM
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That's very interesting, and I'm sure it will be helpful to a number of people.

But you KNOW you're on their Big List now, don't you? Be careful, watch out for black helicopters. Oh, and if you see a really creepy old woman in an ugly out-of-date dress following you, try to lose her. It might be J. Edgar Hoover.
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Old 06-01-2019, 08:21 PM
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More like Hillary
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