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Uganda to Pass Anti-gay Law As 'Christmas Gift' - Section 2

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Uganda to Pass Anti-gay Law As 'Christmas Gift' 

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Old 11-14-2012, 01:35 PM
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You could ask Mitt Romney, and many staunch republicans the same thing.
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Old 11-23-2012, 12:41 AM
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Uganda to Pass Death Penalty For Gays, Their Landlords, NGO Donors, Anyone Who Doesn’t Report Gays to Cops

Uganda on Verge of Giving Gays Death Penalty

That whole Idi Amin thing is making a lot more sense now.

A vile piece of legislation is reportedly on the verge of being passed in Uganda at any moment. It’s a law that will put gay people, and anyone who comes near us, to death.

Here’s what the new law is going to do:

1. Have gay sex once: life in prison (which is already the law).
2. Have gay sex twice: death.
3. Have gay sex once with a person with a disability: death. The law assumes that people with disabilities are all helpless victims. The law also ensures that a gay person with a disability is the last person on the planet you’re ever going to have sex with, thus punishing people with disabilities even more than average gay Ugandans.
4. Rent an apartment to a gay person, and they have sex with someone in that apartment, ever: life in prison for the landlord.
5. Rent a second apartment to a gay person, and they have sex with someone in that apartment, ever: death for the landlord.
6. Have sex, even consensual, and you have HIV, even if you disclose your status to your partner, or even if you didn’t even know you had HIV: death.
I don’t use the word Nazi lightly. This is Nazi. Putting an entire community to death simply because of the way they were born?

We Don’t Have Money For Medicare or Social Security, But We Have Half a Billion to Murder All Gays in Uganda?

The US is funding Uganda to the tune of nearly half a billion dollars a year.

We’re going to cut Medicare and Social Security because we, “can’t afford it,” but we can afford to give half a billion to these pigs?

Seriously. Next month, the administration, and democrats in congress, are going to try to sell us on a plan that may very well gut things we care dearly about. And they’re going to tell us we have no choice, because there’s no more money. Other than half a billion being spent on despots.

US Ambassador Scott DeLisi Reassured Ugandans their Aid Won’t Be Cut, Presumably That Covers Killing Gays Too

Then there was this lovely quote from the US Ambassador to Uganda today, Scott DeLisi, assuring these barbarians that no one is going to cut off aid.

Although most funders have cut aid, the United States of America has assured Uganda that it will not cut off the Aid it has been extending to Uganda.“The U.S has decided to continue giving aid to Uganda despite the ongoing numerous investigations into the misuse of foreign aid.” Ambassador Scott H. DeLisi said.

Bad timing, Scott.

The UK just suspended aid to Uganda five days ago over concerns about “misuse of funds.” Works for me. Call it what you want. Genocide. Misuse of funds. I don’t care. But the Brits have stopped giving their money to thugs and thieves. While US Ambassador Scott DeLisi seems to be aiding and abetting them. Maybe we should cut his budget too.

And yes, this is from a Ugandan paper, so take it with a grain of salt, but it’s a pretty darn strong quote. And pretty awful timing for the United States to be reassuring the Ugandan government of our half a billion dollars a year to support genocide against gay people.

Gay Person Touches Anyone in Uganda, He Dies
It’s already a crime punishable by life imprisonment to have gay sex in Uganda. But this legislation would make it a crime to touch another person, with your body or an object, that in a way that suggested you meant to have sex with them. Well what does that mean? Bumped into them? Threw a ball at them? Punched them? If the other person took it to mean “do me,” you’d be guilty of the offense of homosexuality and get life imprisonment.

A very useful law to use against those whom the government does not like, as Jim Burroway at Box Turtle Bulletin, who has been dogging this legislation for a while, explains:

Look again at Clause 2, 1.c.: a person, under this clause, can be sent to a Ugandan prison for life for merely “touching” someone. And Clause 1 defines ”touching” to include “any part of the body” “with anything else” (a finger? a foot? a ten foot pole?) “through anything.” All of which means that someone can “commit homosexuality” even if they are fully clothed and there is no actual skin-to-skin contact. The sole proof required is that the “touching” took place with the perceived “intention” of committing the act of homosexuality. Sounds crazy, doesn’t it? But just to make sure we’re clear that the bill intends to cast an extraordinarily wider net, go back to the definition of ”sexual act” in Clause 1: an act that “does not necessarily culminate in intercourse.”

You can see where this is going, can’t you? With the bar for conviction thus lowered, anyone can be falsely accused of being gay — one can easily imagine rival politicians, business owners and pastors falling prey to such accusations – and it will become virtually impossible for them to prove their innocence.

Rent a Room to a Gay Person in Uganda, You Die
It’s legislation that would not only punish homosexuality by either life imprisonment and/or death, depending on the circumstance, but it would also put to death anyone who, more than once, rents a room to a gay person, refuses to report a gay person who isn’t celibate to the police, uses the Internet to advocate for gay rights, or donates to a pro-gay cause. Do any of those and you go prison for life. Do it twice, and you die.

Apparently, all the MSM reports about the death penalty provision being “dropped” are bull. The parliament did a cute little trick we try here in America with our congress. They deleted the phrase about putting people to death, and then referred to the punishment permitted under a separate piece of law – and the punishment under that other law is… wait for it… death.

More from Burroway:

1. Clause 3 (2) is amended by substituting for the words “…suffer death’’ with words “…the penalty provided for aggravated defilement under Section 129 of the Penal Code Act”.


To harmonise the provision with the penalty under the Penal Code Act

Well guess what. Section 129 of the Penal Code Act reads that anyone who “commits a felony called aggravated defilement [i.e. child sexual abuse] and is, on conviction by the High Court, liable to suffer death.” Which means that the Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Committee recommended that the death penalty be retained through stealth.

Half a Billion Buys you a Lot of Dead Gays in Uganda
Half a billion dollar a year to these f’ers, while people sit here and talk about cutting Medicare and Social Security. That half a billion is the same amount Paul Ryan cut from embassy security. Can’t think of a better use for it than right there.

The time for “working with” Uganda is over. Constructive engagement didn’t work in South Africa, and it’s not working in Uganda. The color of the criminals has changed, but not the color of their blood, or the lost humanity of their victims.

We’re not giving a dime to these pigs if they pass this legislation. It’d be nice to see our gay members of Congress, now more numerous than ever, actually step and do something about this.

*I cannot believe in this day and age with all the crime, poverty and illiteracy, sexual orientation is even on the same list! Hell, Uganda may as well change their name to Phobia!*


Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Bill: MPs drop death penalty

Ugandan gay people often fear living openly A committee of Ugandan MPs has endorsed the proposed Anti-Homosexuality Bill but dropped the death penalty provision, an MP has told the BBC.

MP Medard Segona said "substantial amendments" had been made to the bill but said he was not allowed to reveal further details.

Speaker of parliament Rebecca Kadaga recently said the bill would be passed as a "Christmas gift" to its advocates.

Homosexual acts are illegal in Uganda - this bill increases the penalties.

Foreign donors have threatened to cut aid if gay rights are not respected.

The bill, tabled by MP David Bahati, proposes longer jail terms for homosexual acts, including a life sentence in certain circumstances.

In its original form, those convicted of "aggravated homosexuality" - defined as when one of the participants is a minor, HIV-positive, disabled or a "serial offender" - faced the death penalty.

“Some of us who are human rights activists would discourage the death penalty”

Such offences would now be punished with life imprisonment, it is understood.

The original bill also prohibited the "promotion" of gay rights and called for the punishment of anyone who "funds or sponsors homosexuality" or "abets homosexuality".

Mr Bahati has previously said that the death penalty provision would be dropped but this has not been confirmed until now.

Mr Segona, who is on the Legal and Parliamentary committee of Uganda's parliament, told the BBC: "I can confirm it has been dropped."

"Some of us who are human rights activists would discourage the death penalty," he said.

The next step is for parliament to debate the bill. Mr Segona said he thought this would happen before the Christmas break but said he could not be more precise.

The BBC's Ignatius Bahizi in the capital, Kampala, says that the bill has broad support in parliament.

But he notes that President Yoweri Museveni would have to sign it before it comes law - and the president may come under intense international pressure not to do so.

The bill was strongly condemned last year by Western leaders, including US President Barack Obama who described it as "odious".

International donors have threatened to cut off aid to Uganda if the country does not do more to protect the rights of gay people.

Last month, Uganda's speaker of parliament was involved in a row with Canada's Foreign Minister John Baird over gay rights at a meeting of the Inter-Parliamentary Union in Quebec.

She received a rapturous welcome from several hundred anti-gay activists, including religious leaders, at Uganda's Entebbe airport when she returned from her trip.

Correspondents say many Ugandans are deeply conservative, and say homosexuality is against their religious and cultural beliefs.

*Are these people nuts? "Aggravated homosexuality?!?!?!*
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Old 11-23-2012, 02:49 AM
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I rarely make comparisons to Nazis, but this idea is frighteningly close to just that. To murder anyone whose way of life is different, and anyone helping the previous, is exactly what the Nazis did. It is horrible and says a lot about "those countries". Refusers of progress, rejecters of modern times and no good reasons to show for it. Nothing to compensate for their attitude.

Luckily for me though, my sleep isn't disturbed by the fate of countries or people that have nothing to contribute to the world. While I would never condemn or hurt a minority for being what it is, unless one that is useless or evil (illegal immigrants for example), someone's existence has to be productive for me to acknowledge their humanity. Gay people can work. Jews can work. Black people can work. Even people with no arms and legs can still use voice commands to do desk work.
And since I've never seen anything worthwile coming from Uganda, this is me moving on:
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Old 11-23-2012, 03:08 AM
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How are you, Lieberfrau?

Aren't you from or in, Israel, if memory serves?

I think we had a long discussion one time.
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Old 11-23-2012, 05:04 AM
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Was hoping Ugandans passed the death penalty for all Ugandans.
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Old 11-23-2012, 07:51 AM
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Old 11-23-2012, 07:57 AM
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Originally Posted by k_dub View Post

I'm speechless.
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Old 11-23-2012, 11:17 AM
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Idi Amin remember?
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Old 11-25-2012, 06:17 PM
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