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Police Car Slams into Car at Intersection

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Police Car Slams into Car at Intersection 

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Old 10-25-2020, 07:24 AM
kellyhound's Avatar
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On October 24, in the Victoriei Square area of ​​Bucharest, an accident took place in which a police car was involved.

A motorist recorded the moment on his dashcam when the police car hit a car that had just left the traffic light, given the green color.

The police car only used the light signals, not the acoustic ones. Most likely, the driver who left the traffic light did not see that the police car was approaching at speed.

In order to have priority of passage, the motor vehicles provided in art. 32 para. (2) lit. a) and b), when traveling in intervention actions or in missions of an emergency nature, must have the light and sound signals in operation.

So, because they only had the light signals in operation, but the acoustic ones did not, the agent from the Road Brigade is guilty of the accident.

After the impact, the two cars did not overturn, and you can see how the two policemen get out of the car, visibly affected.
Picture and Video Clip Stats.
File Type: mp4 policecarslams.mp4 (4.63 MB , 120 views)
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LittleNightmare, lrd1024, Nightprowler, Overlord86, William May, wujuan, Yanni
Old 10-25-2020, 12:05 PM
William May
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Could have been far worse.
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The Following User Says Thank You to William May For This Useful Post:
Old 10-29-2020, 10:22 AM
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Look at how every civilian car is stopped, blocking the roadway to protect them, then they all get out of their cars to help the officers. Nice to see.
Aside from most of the cars, the surrounding area looks like anytown suburbia in the U.S. Only thing missing is a Starbucks or three.
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