BOSTON A spectacular crash involving a flatbed truck was caught on tape inside the I-90 connector tunnel.
The truck was too big, but the driver kept going despite alarms.
It happened Tuesday just after 4 p.m. on the westbound side.
A flatbed truck carrying a crane is seen heading into the Ted Williams Tunnel.
It triggered the overheight sensors and the warning sign before the tunnel's entrance, but the driver didn't stop.
Then, a latch detached and the boom of the crane became loose, causing sparks to fly.
Moments later, as regular traffic was moving through the connector tunnel, the crane's boom gouged into the tunnel ceiling, and the truck came to an abrupt stop.
Fortunately, no one was hurt. But it took about an hour-and-a-half to clear the scene during rush hour.
There was no major damage to the tunnel. Turnpike spokesman Mac Daniel said that section does not have suspended ceilings.
In July 2006, part of the suspended ceiling in the connector tunnel collapsed and killed Milena Del Valle, 39, of Boston.
The truck driver in Tuesday's accident, Jeffrey Peck, 50, of Ravenna, Ohio, was charged with failure to respond to an alarm.
The trucking company, Triple Lady's Agency Inc., of Mantua, Ohio, was cited for an overheight violation and failing to secure a load.
In Boston, there were 412 overheight accidents in 2006. In 2007, there 460. So far this year, there have already been 62 accidents. |