Mexico. Man with skinned face is tied up. Hands were already chopper off. Trying to behead using sickle and box cutter |
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uoklad |
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My Rank: PRIVATE FIRST CLASS Poster Rank:5043 male Join Date: May 2012 Mentioned: 0 Post(s) Quoted: 6 Post(s) | ||||||||
The music plays in the background.....Guns n Roses ...Sweet child o mine........as someones child gets tortured. This is terrible and most probably gang related......its serious torture......several people are involved......this goes on more often than we know. |
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11B2P, 1594, 666baphomet, adamsmasher, Aiko-Lynnette, ajs11961, AngelAssassin, Anonika, bdjackass318, beepboop, BLACKOUTx4500x, blueschica, breadswag1, Budd Dwyer, Captain456, Chewy316, copskill8, corpsehands, crouchyc5, Darkseed, dasplague, DavidAaronGarcia, Deathbringer, Destiny, DEWBZ, diligenthouse43, Dmocecil, docfr8, dockman, dointhedew, Dr Koppel, Dr_Jackal, ekso, EWSER-X, ezeemonee, FanadaFoose, Ferocity, flpsirius, Fragomon, giovanni0359, hamedler, HappyCamper, Heidi100, HellBillyDeluxe, heroeporsiempre, IMKB, InfinityQueen333, iridopelma, Jacoba, janedoe77, Jcali, jetman3, kawaiiferret13, kellyhound, kgfraae, Kira4496, Kiwibunny, laurenhayden1, LifeFlightRN, LiquidBlock, madrussian, mattysprings, medley, Megaprime, mickey27, mintycbo, mischiefmammal, Misscourtasen, montikaza, mord95, mparryuk52, mr_feelgood, nastyg, ndn01, NikkiSkumm, Ntwadumela, NurseNarcotic, okidoll, OldHippy, oraz, Ozymandias, PATCHESxxSKA, Paupercool1, peachpie, PISSEDANDTWISTED, Psychalom, rapeWhistle, RedFishBlueFish, russell515034, shadesofcolours, shiverpudlian, SiccOne, Sparky04, spudigitti, starw0rms, Sterlig, Suicide_Note, tenchu, The Krokodil, Tools., User022960083185, VileGirl, xcount me inx, XxMutilatedxX, zin0, ZokoJono, ❤Nahkeehona❤ |
The Following 5 Users Said Fuck Off to realrealityoflife For This Post: | ||
Desert Rat,
SlySugarPie |
This is one of the craziest videos I've ever seen on this site! Trying to decapitate him with that tiny blade... |
The Following 122 Users Say Thank You to Tommi For This Useful Post: | ||
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The Following Users Say Fuck Off To This Post By Tommi: | ||
JOSEPH2020 |
Yes, they were rival gang members
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AngelAssassin, Anonika, BLACKOUTx4500x, bubu68, Captain456, dasplague, dockman, ezeemonee, laurenhayden1, Lurking_Night_Owl, MesaGrande, mischiefmammal, mparryuk52, OldHippy, Oswald2001, Ozymandias, Paupercool1, russell515034, Sterlig, The Krokodil, User022960083185, VileGirl |
Saw this earlier today... totally brutalistic ! the guy was quite resilient. |
The Following 36 Users Say Thank You to kasapin For This Useful Post: | ||
-NocturnalPulse-, Aiko-Lynnette, ajs11961, AngelAssassin, BLACKOUTx4500x, Captain456, DannyEvans, DJMistressMacabre, dockman, EyeSeeYou33, ezeemonee, hamedler, Hangman, HawknessMonster, Heisenburg, InfinityQueen333, Intothelight, jessica17, laurenhayden1, Lmb042930!!, minka1, mischiefmammal, mparryuk52, needy101, NEV6, OldHippy, Oswald2001, Ozymandias, Paupercool1, russell515034, Sterlig, Suicide_Note, The Krokodil, VileGirl, XxMutilatedxX, ❤Nahkeehona❤ |
now that is some fucked up shit. some people are going to have nightmares...i'm surprised he was still alive at the end. they wanted him to suffer...for sure.
The Following 47 Users Say Thank You to shoottokill For This Useful Post: | ||
ajs11961, AmericanDaywalker, AngelAssassin, BLACKOUTx4500x, BloodyBirb89, breadswag1, Budd Dwyer, Captain456, Chewy316, cortdb, creepygrebe, Deathbringer, Desert Rat, DJMistressMacabre, Dodger712, EyeSeeYou33, ezeemonee, Ferocity, HawknessMonster, Heidi100, henrickrw, heroeporsiempre, IMKB, InfinityQueen333, iridopelma, LadyKnight7891, laurenhayden1, Lmb042930!!, minka1, mparryuk52, ny2k10_newstart, OldHippy, Ozymandias, PATCHESxxSKA, Paupercool1, Persephone, Pink_spyder, RobMoses, Sterlig, Suicide_Note, Tadhgín, targetless, The Krokodil, traumaone, VileGirl, XxMutilatedxX, ❤Nahkeehona❤ |
this is Mexico they are speaking spanish not pork and cheese this is a crazy ass fucking video |
The Following 21 Users Say Thank You to heroeporsiempre For This Useful Post: | ||
Agorey, Berserk, Budd Dwyer, cortdb, Deathbringer, ekso, GMauler0433, GRiZ, Heisenburg, kokoloko75, Lmb042930!!, Moes3260, Molgard, narco, PATCHESxxSKA, Suicide_Note, The Krokodil, thenamesdick, VileGirl, XxMutilatedxX, zin0 |
Had the video turn all the way down so I couldn't hear sorry. Got it from my source from Brazil.
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beepboop, Berserk, blacksun, Brainplague, ezeemonee, heroeporsiempre, Oswald2001, SLiworkforce, XxMutilatedxX |
Fuuuck. That guy just wouldn't die. Horrible. I wish they showed it from the beginning with the face peeling....
The Following 82 Users Say Thank You to BIG DAWG For This Useful Post: | ||
1/2Woman1/2Man, 211kid, 2cents, abearwithcubs, acidbath, Agorey, amalloris, AngelAssassin, Anonika, AresAK, beepboop, BLACKOUTx4500x, blueberry_plum, Brandi, breadswag1, Budd Dwyer, Bunny, Captain456, cdchrono88, Cleo, Craptastic, deamoneater357, dereishus, Desert Rat, DJMistressMacabre, dlclotus, DropTopCurtis, EyeSeeYou33, ezeemonee, furrs, GiJoe7898, HawknessMonster, Heidi100, Heisenburg, heroeporsiempre, IMKB, iridopelma, JeremyJager, jsmlove, Julia142, ko47hu4t9, Le_Venin, lovesgore, lzerohour, mchchicago78, mintycbo, mparryuk52, nanigodsmum, nickakbar, NikkiSkumm, NikNak84, ny2k10_newstart, okidoll, Oswald2001, Ozymandias, PallMall12, PATCHESxxSKA, Paupercool1, Persephone, Pink_spyder, rahulmoddy, rapeWhistle, Rich603, Riley321, Ronin3005, ScottishMaiden, sharpypointy, shiverpudlian, Sterlig, Suicide_Note, Tadhgín, The Krokodil, thecrazyglopss, TheSocialPariah, Tornadolen, TwistedlilGirl666, vamptay, Vampyre, VileGirl, XxMutilatedxX, zin0, ❤Nahkeehona❤ |
The Following 9 Users Said Fuck Off to BIG DAWG For This Post: | ||
OldHippy |
And the hand chop chop... this would be one of the longest and most awful videos i've ever seen.
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ajs11961, amalloris, AngelAssassin, AresAK, beepboop, bigball, BLACKOUTx4500x, Brandi, Budd Dwyer, Captain456, Cherno, chrisnsal, creepygrebe, Deathbringer, DJMistressMacabre, ezeemonee, furrs, hamedler, heroeporsiempre, IMKB, jbell0129, JeremyJager, Kaotic, ko47hu4t9, Lmb042930!!, lolo123, martyl63, minka1, mparryuk52, nanigodsmum, okidoll, OldHippy, Oswald2001, Ozymandias, PATCHESxxSKA, Paupercool1, Pink_spyder, racinette, rahulmoddy, Rille, ScottishMaiden, Suicide_Note, Tadhgín, The Krokodil, thecrazyglopss, vamptay, VileGirl, wenchygirl, XxMutilatedxX, ❤Nahkeehona❤ |
The Following 2 Users Said Fuck Off to Danno For This Post: | ||
uoklad |