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Snake Charmer Got Snake Charmed - Section 6

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Snake Charmer Got Snake Charmed 

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Old 10-05-2021, 05:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Sparko View Post
You can't tame the untamable.
More importantly, you can't tame stupid. I actually laughed out loud when I saw the ending with him on the table about to go to that great snake charming sanctuary in the sky!
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Old 10-05-2021, 06:15 PM
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Watch the old horror movie Sssssss (1973) with the wonderful Strother martin as a mad scientist who turns his daughter's boyfriend (Dirk Benedict) into a King Cobra. It's a hoot.

I saw a fascinating nature documentary about a lioness and her cubs years ago. The cubs find a cobra, start to play with it as kittens will do, and the cobra bites both of them. The mother charges and kills the snake but gets bitten in the process. The next day we see the cubs stiff and dead on the dirt and the mother crawling from her den to some water, DEATHLY sick, heavily salivating. She survived though. If a lioness can survive a cobra bite, a man probably could too, maybe even without anti-venom if he's lucky
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