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Man Sucked into Jet Engine Plus Aftermath

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Man Sucked into Jet Engine Plus Aftermath 

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Old 09-02-2017, 03:14 PM
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Fastest way to grind the meat.
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File Type: mp4 engine%20suck.mp4 (1.00 MB , 10837 views)
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Old 09-02-2017, 03:31 PM
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Fake video, real aftermath.
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Old 09-02-2017, 04:35 PM
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WTF is up with the title....

I thought the civil rights movement was back in the 60's

I guess where the originator comes from, there must be coloreds only bathrooms and water fountains and the local judge is the grand wizard dragon of the KKK
Suck it up, buttercup!!!
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Old 09-02-2017, 04:46 PM
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Good fuck him!
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Old 09-02-2017, 05:03 PM
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Old 09-02-2017, 05:16 PM
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Apartheid Airways
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Old 09-02-2017, 05:27 PM
William May
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You can tell it's a fake video. A body being sucked into a turbofan engine is macerated and expelled out the bypass area, which is the outer ring. Only very rarely do body parts (or birds, for that matter) ever get into the core of the engine. This video has the entire body being expelled from the center, small nozzle, which is the core engine. When I worked for an airline, that was one way of determining the extent of the bird strike. If there was burning body smell (really gross, passengers would throw up) then the bird went through the core, and more intense inspection was required. If there was blood and feathers, but no smell in the cabin, then that was a bypass strike, and we just looked at the fan for damage. We also had to open the core cowls and check the oil coolers (Which are in the bypass air, like little radiators) for blockage with meat and feathers. I would say that in 9 out of 10 bird strikes, the core was always missed. Jet engines can swallow a LOT of meat, because the fans are very good meat choppers. (But if you get too many, like the U.S. Airways flight that landed in the Hudson, there's just nothing you can do.) (Or if you get an entire human body. That's a lot of meat for a jet engine to swallow. )
One problem that birds present is that they each have pebbles in their stomachs, to aid in digestion, so each bird is soft and squishy on the outside, and rocky on the inside. THAT'S what does the damage in bird strikes.
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Old 09-02-2017, 06:18 PM
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Originally Posted by William May View Post
You can tell it's a fake video. A body being sucked into a turbofan engine is macerated and expelled out the bypass area, which is the outer ring. Only very rarely do body parts (or birds, for that matter) ever get into the core of the engine. This video has the entire body being expelled from the center, small nozzle, which is the core engine. When I worked for an airline, that was one way of determining the extent of the bird strike. If there was burning body smell (really gross, passengers would throw up) then the bird went through the core, and more intense inspection was required. If there was blood and feathers, but no smell in the cabin, then that was a bypass strike, and we just looked at the fan for damage. We also had to open the core cowls and check the oil coolers (Which are in the bypass air, like little radiators) for blockage with meat and feathers. I would say that in 9 out of 10 bird strikes, the core was always missed. Jet engines can swallow a LOT of meat, because the fans are very good meat choppers. (But if you get too many, like the U.S. Airways flight that landed in the Hudson, there's just nothing you can do.) (Or if you get an entire human body. That's a lot of meat for a jet engine to swallow. )
One problem that birds present is that they each have pebbles in their stomachs, to aid in digestion, so each bird is soft and squishy on the outside, and rocky on the inside. THAT'S what does the damage in bird strikes.
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Old 09-02-2017, 06:47 PM
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I left a comment on another sight this was on, saying he looked like he dived in the engine, more so in the slow motion part.... Hell I never new it ws fake... Things you learn on the DR
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Old 09-02-2017, 07:30 PM
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The aftermath is real. It already was posted in the pic section:

Sadly most pics are missing.
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