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2 Sisters Killed in Freak Accident by Out of Control Truck

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2 Sisters Killed in Freak Accident by Out of Control Truck 

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Old 11-19-2013, 02:20 PM
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Two women were killed and three were injured when a truck crashed into them in Alberton, south of Johannesburg, on Monday morning, paramedics said.

A heavy goods vehicle left the roadway and collided with five women on the side of the road.
They were struck on Comaro Street, Oakdene.
Police were investigating the cause of the accident.

Two sisters, both employees of DR Operational Management, were killed and six other employees were injured today after a crane truck rode over them on Comaro Road. According to bystanders, the crane was unfolded and hit the N12 Bridge.

This caused the truck to lose control and ride over the workers who were busy cutting the grass on the embankment. Witnesses told tame TIMES that the truck was coming from Oakdene
heading towards Bassonia. Once the truck lost control, it swerved on the pavement hitting the workers. Glenvista CPF were first on the scene and called emergency services.

Netcare 911, ER24, and Supreme Care EMS attended to the injured survivors. Trauma couselling had to be given to the bystanders as they were very shaken up.

“It was a gruesome scene to see the two women lying there,” Ernest Tsabalala said. He drove past just after the accident occurred.

The accident was recorded on Mondeor CPF and D&D Tactical CCTV cameras that are stationed at the Comaro intersection.

The truck driver survived, sustaining minor head injuries, but appeared to be very startled and shocked. However, he gave an accurate account of the accident.

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Old 11-19-2013, 02:58 PM
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Well, it certainly doesn't appear that they were 'busy' cutting grass. Maybe they were on a break or something, but there is definitely no grass growing underneath the overpass where they appear to be sitting down. They actually would have been fine if they hadn't moved from their sitting position. They all ran in to the path of the truck unfortunately. But...once again, some people insist on putting their own lives in the hands of other people. By this I mean, you don't sit on the side of the road and roll dice hoping that no drivers are texting, drunk, delusional, blinded, sleeping, arguing, or whatever else could cause their vehicle to go off the road. Dumb = dead. Still unfortunate though.
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Old 11-19-2013, 02:59 PM
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I have seen an unfolded crane on a truck hitting a bridge, but i have never seen people sitting under a bridge waiting for something like this to happen. WTH were these idiots doing there?
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Old 11-19-2013, 03:15 PM
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Originally Posted by caroliner View Post
Two women were killed and three were injured when a truck crashed into them in Alberton, south of Johannesburg, on Monday morning, paramedics said.

A heavy goods vehicle left the roadway and collided with five women on the side of the road.
They were struck on Comaro Street, Oakdene.
Police were investigating the cause of the accident.

Two sisters, both employees of DR Operational Management, were killed and six other employees were injured today after a crane truck rode over them on Comaro Road. According to bystanders, the crane was unfolded and hit the N12 Bridge.

This caused the truck to lose control and ride over the workers who were busy cutting the grass on the embankment. Witnesses told tame TIMES that the truck was coming from Oakdene
heading towards Bassonia. Once the truck lost control, it swerved on the pavement hitting the workers. Glenvista CPF were first on the scene and called emergency services.

Netcare 911, ER24, and Supreme Care EMS attended to the injured survivors. Trauma couselling had to be given to the bystanders as they were very shaken up.

“It was a gruesome scene to see the two women lying there,” Ernest Tsabalala said. He drove past just after the accident occurred.

The accident was recorded on Mondeor CPF and D&D Tactical CCTV cameras that are stationed at the Comaro intersection.

The truck driver survived, sustaining minor head injuries, but appeared to be very startled and shocked. However, he gave an accurate account of the accident.
I wonder why they didn`t run up the embankment. It looks like the two were trying to outrun the truck on foot.
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Old 11-19-2013, 03:23 PM
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Dumbass truck driver.
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Old 11-19-2013, 03:27 PM
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Looks like they tried to get up fast to run and slipped, can't really tell.
Nasty accident
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Old 11-19-2013, 03:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Martano666 View Post
Well, it certainly doesn't appear that they were 'busy' cutting grass. Maybe they were on a break or something, but there is definitely no grass growing underneath the overpass where they appear to be sitting down. They actually would have been fine if they hadn't moved from their sitting position. They all ran in to the path of the truck unfortunately. But...once again, some people insist on putting their own lives in the hands of other people. By this I mean, you don't sit on the side of the road and roll dice hoping that no drivers are texting, drunk, delusional, blinded, sleeping, arguing, or whatever else could cause their vehicle to go off the road. Dumb = dead. Still unfortunate though.
True but they were on the pavement where you don't expect to get hit. If someone had just been walking there, the outcome would have been the same
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Old 11-19-2013, 05:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Kelly View Post
True but they were on the pavement where you don't expect to get hit. If someone had just been walking there, the outcome would have been the same
Well... not exactly. I grew up on a Main street in my town. It was a highway that went right through town. Only a 2 lane highway (one in each direction), but large trucks still used that highway. My parents often made us walk home from school and I remember when I was little my mom telling me that I can't trust ANY vehicles to drive safely and to grow eyes on the back of my head when walking home. I never saw a single wreck on that road...EVER. But I always was paying attention to the vehicles and almost expecting one to jump the curb and come at me because of what mom said.
- Always walk on the LEFT side of the road. (against traffic flow)
- Always pay attention to the sound of vehicles approaching from behind. You can tell if they are coming at you or passing by you based on sound.
-If a large truck is coming, stop walking, and don't take your eyes off it for a second.

I won't even pull over for police on the side of a major highway. I'll take the first exit, or look for a wide shoulder to park. The cops will give you shit for it, but hey, my life is more important than the cop's intentions.
This is simple to teach children. But many people don't even teach their kids to look both ways before crossing the street.
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Old 11-19-2013, 07:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Martano666 View Post
Well... not exactly. I grew up on a Main street in my town. It was a highway that went right through town. Only a 2 lane highway (one in each direction), but large trucks still used that highway. My parents often made us walk home from school and I remember when I was little my mom telling me that I can't trust ANY vehicles to drive safely and to grow eyes on the back of my head when walking home. I never saw a single wreck on that road...EVER. But I always was paying attention to the vehicles and almost expecting one to jump the curb and come at me because of what mom said.
- Always walk on the LEFT side of the road. (against traffic flow)
- Always pay attention to the sound of vehicles approaching from behind. You can tell if they are coming at you or passing by you based on sound.
-If a large truck is coming, stop walking, and don't take your eyes off it for a second.

I won't even pull over for police on the side of a major highway. I'll take the first exit, or look for a wide shoulder to park. The cops will give you shit for it, but hey, my life is more important than the cop's intentions.
This is simple to teach children. But many people don't even teach their kids to look both ways before crossing the street.
momma always said life was like a box a chocolates
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Old 11-19-2013, 09:07 PM
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I just wish that was some of them homeless road side beggars holding up the carboard signs.
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