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Acute Hydrops or Keratogonus
Old 02-02-2023, 01:23 AM
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Chronically occurring keratoconus often (in about 10% of all cases) leads to a severe complication - acute keratoconus.

It is characterized by the sudden onset of edema of the corneal stroma, which occurs as a result of a local extensive rupture of the Descemet's membrane and the penetration of moisture into the stromal layers from the anterior chamber of the eye.
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Old 02-02-2023, 02:19 AM
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That…is a fucking marble.
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Old 02-02-2023, 03:02 AM
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Originally Posted by ride View Post
That…is a fucking marble.
We should flick it and see what happens.
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Old 02-02-2023, 04:24 AM
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Medical treatment:
Instillation of glucocorticoids and antibiotics (or their combination - Tobradex) - 4 times a day
Instillation of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - NSAIDs (Broxinac) - 1 time per day
Hypotensive (lowering pressure) drops (Timolol) - 1 time per day
Injections of glucocorticoids under the conjunctiva (Dexamethasone, Diprospan)
Epithelializing and root-protective agents (Okvis, Koreneregel)
Antiallergic drops and antihistamines (in injections and tablets) - if there is an allergy

Introducing the patient's own plasma into the anterior chamber of the eye
Covering keratoplasty with amnion or patient's own conjunctiva
Penetrating keratoplasty (rarely), more often - after the acute process subsides.

If acute keratoconus is not treated, corneal edema resolves on its own within 4–5 months. Upon completion of the relief of the pathological process in acute keratoconus, the cornea is somewhat flattened due to the formation of opacity and local closure of the rupture of the Descemet's membrane.

As a result of this flattening of the cornea, patients' vision improves marginally, and it is not uncommon to be able to use contact correction again.
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File Type: mp4 surgeryvid.mp4 (3.65 MB , 175 views)
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Old 02-02-2023, 04:58 AM
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Originally Posted by kellyhound View Post
Medical treatment:
Instillation of glucocorticoids and antibiotics (or their combination - Tobradex) - 4 times a day
Instillation of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - NSAIDs (Broxinac) - 1 time per day
Hypotensive (lowering pressure) drops (Timolol) - 1 time per day
Injections of glucocorticoids under the conjunctiva (Dexamethasone, Diprospan)
Epithelializing and root-protective agents (Okvis, Koreneregel)
Antiallergic drops and antihistamines (in injections and tablets) - if there is an allergy

Introducing the patient's own plasma into the anterior chamber of the eye
Covering keratoplasty with amnion or patient's own conjunctiva
Penetrating keratoplasty (rarely), more often - after the acute process subsides.

If acute keratoconus is not treated, corneal edema resolves on its own within 4–5 months. Upon completion of the relief of the pathological process in acute keratoconus, the cornea is somewhat flattened due to the formation of opacity and local closure of the rupture of the Descemet's membrane.

As a result of this flattening of the cornea, patients' vision improves marginally, and it is not uncommon to be able to use contact correction again.
Am I understanding correctly that treatment can include injections in the eye area?
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