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Pictures From The War in Afghanistan - Section 9

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Pictures From The War in Afghanistan 

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Old 01-12-2010, 11:10 PM
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Originally Posted by shadowstein View Post
i dont really see anything anti-war or anti-american in this. its just your general war photography
Yes that's what they are, don't think I spoke of any pics. Just spoke of what the douche bag wrote. But you obviously being so observative knew that huh? You are not clever, just a douche
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Old 01-12-2010, 11:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Lil'_tin_soldie View Post
Yeah large scale attacks aren't happening but that doesn't change the fact we're STILL targeted by them. I didn't say we should ignore them. I just don't see how invading Iraq and Afganistan solved anything. What Americans and Europeans seem to confuse is that all Muslim extremist groups were responsible for 9/11. Like you said, now it's not Al-Qaeada attacking, it's people who were inspired by them and see them as heroes which we allowed them to become.

We invaded Afghanistan who was supporting Al-Qaeada, Al-Qaeada took off and now we're stuck with the Taliban who won't back down till we get out of their country which we'll eventually have to do.

Iraq is even worse, Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with 9/11 nor did he had links with Al-Qaeada. US showed up, brought down Saddam's regime and gave Shi'ite and Sunni Muslims the freedom to go kill each other. Now the US and UK is stuck with an inevitable civil war that will attract more Muslim extremists who nest inside country with vulnerable and unstable governments and defense force. Afghanistan, Somalia and Yemen are nice example.

What we should've done is increase our intelligence, hire more people for counter-terrorism and support police forces worldwide to hunt down terrorist activities. It's less spectacular and (for some) satisfying than bombing the shit out of Arabs but it would be far more effective than the blunder we're doing right now.
At this point we're no longer targeted by them, see the 7/7 bombings, another staged inside attack by intelligent services. Which...points away from Islamic extremists as the true source and masterminds of all these major terror events like 9/11, 7/7, 3/11, Xmas day attempt, Fort Hood, etc. Why is it we always learn the alleged suspects were known about or under surveilence and the government had prior knowledge? Very fishy.
My line of thought:
Striking airplanes strongly discourages you from traveling abroad.
-&leads to provincialism
-&makes you more susceptible to the entire "abroad=evil=terrorist" attitudes
i.e. propaganda machinery.
Which is why invading Iraq and Afghanistan was beneficial (and possibly Yemen soon, too). Why is it the political elite stripping away rights, launching wars and bringing in Orwellian police state measures? Who does terrorism REALLY benefit.
I dont think Muslims are the ones who benefited from 9/11 or any of these other attacks, including the ill fated Christmas Day crotchbomber. And how do a few cave dwelling Muslims pull off the most sophisticated attack in the world with a few boxcutters, thus destroying half of lower New York City and attacking the military headquarters. The official government story on 9/11 IS A LIE. These jihadists are suppose to be against the Western corporate structure right? Yet EVERYTHING they do ONLY SERVES the corporate powers that be! It doesnt make see who is REALLY behind the so called "al Qaeda" groups.

So, it's not so much that the US has to increase intelligence per say, though that's the guise they're going under. But more so that they need to stop working for self fulfillment. But I agree with you for the most part, I don't support the war, but I see what purposes they serve for the US, as ill-fated as they may be.
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Old 01-12-2010, 11:18 PM
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wow, I think it was just the immediate area around the towers that was destroyed, not half of New York. And the terrorist don't blow things up or ram buildings because it benefits them. It really never does, its to terrorize! And wow what a conspiracy mind you have
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Old 01-12-2010, 11:27 PM
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ROYALBOY: "Ask your government about the 4000 Jewish employees absent on that day"
Royalboy, you are an idiot. This is a total, complete bullshit lie. Do you have any idea how many jews were killed in those buildings? MANY. I know quite a few myself. That is a myth that has been spread by racist bullshitters like you.
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Old 01-13-2010, 12:07 AM
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this sucks especially since I know a lot of the guys and girls over there right now
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Old 01-13-2010, 12:12 AM
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Originally Posted by QueenRiddle View Post
At this point we're no longer targeted by them, see the 7/7 bombings, another staged inside attack by intelligent services. Which...points away from Islamic extremists as the true source and masterminds of all these major terror events like 9/11, 7/7, 3/11, Xmas day attempt, Fort Hood, etc. Why is it we always learn the alleged suspects were known about or under surveilence and the government had prior knowledge? Very fishy.
My line of thought:
Striking airplanes strongly discourages you from traveling abroad.
-&leads to provincialism
-&makes you more susceptible to the entire "abroad=evil=terrorist" attitudes
i.e. propaganda machinery.
Which is why invading Iraq and Afghanistan was beneficial (and possibly Yemen soon, too). Why is it the political elite stripping away rights, launching wars and bringing in Orwellian police state measures? Who does terrorism REALLY benefit.
I dont think Muslims are the ones who benefited from 9/11 or any of these other attacks, including the ill fated Christmas Day crotchbomber. And how do a few cave dwelling Muslims pull off the most sophisticated attack in the world with a few boxcutters, thus destroying half of lower New York City and attacking the military headquarters. The official government story on 9/11 IS A LIE. These jihadists are suppose to be against the Western corporate structure right? Yet EVERYTHING they do ONLY SERVES the corporate powers that be! It doesnt make see who is REALLY behind the so called "al Qaeda" groups.

So, it's not so much that the US has to increase intelligence per say, though that's the guise they're going under. But more so that they need to stop working for self fulfillment. But I agree with you for the most part, I don't support the war, but I see what purposes they serve for the US, as ill-fated as they may be.
Cookie reward for mentioning Orwell! *hands out cookie*

I aware both wars benefit a small minority of elites. I was just playing according the rules and guidelines and niknik's already confused why I always end sentences with a dot.

I also believe there's "more" behind 9/11, there's still a lot of mysteries behind it. Although, you shouldn't believe everything on the Internet either.

The reason we're slowly evolving in a police state is because we allow them to. People are more concerned about playing video games or watch shit movies than what's going on around the world, so no wonder the slave collar is slowly slipped around our necks without noticing.

Muslims extremists do benefit from these attacks, they showed the West isn't invulnerable (regardless who you think did it) and now the West acknowledge their existence. Personally I didn't even know there was an organization like Al-Qaeda before 9/11. But just like in the US, it's the people behind the scenes who let others fight their battles that truly profit from, not those bunch of manipulated young men with bomb belts strapped around them.
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Old 01-13-2010, 04:13 AM
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Some of the pics looked a little photoshopped.
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Old 01-13-2010, 06:16 AM
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Originally Posted by MorbidBabe View Post
I know a lot of the guys and girls over there right now
I wish they come sonner not later in a black Garbage bag
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Old 01-13-2010, 07:20 AM
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Originally Posted by ROYALBOY View Post
I wish they come sonner not later in a black Garbage bag
do they have garbage bags there? looks like people just throw their shit in the street.

never get problems as bad as afganistan in white countries
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Old 01-13-2010, 03:14 PM
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Originally Posted by fish man View Post
do they have garbage bags there? looks like people just throw their shit in the street.
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