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Man Shoots Policewoman

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Man Shoots Policewoman 

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Old 02-01-2021, 09:45 AM
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I'm not 100% what's what, but here's the info I found:

The guy assaulted a female police officer, took his gun and shot her. Three vehicles quickly arrived at the scene, as soon as he saw the police, the man raised his arms to surrender, already counting on his human rights. The policemen have already left the vehicles, sending bullets on him.
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File Type: mp4 Video.mp4 (4.59 MB , 1164 views)
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Old 02-01-2021, 09:56 AM
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that was in san bernardino in 2019.

Police shot a male suspect after he fought with a female San Bernardino sheriff's deputy, tackling her and stealing her gun Wednesday morning.

The deputies were responding to a call regarding a disturbance.

In a video posted online, the sheriff's deputy can be heard shouting she is going to shoot, with the gun going off. Eventually the suspect manages to take the gun from her.

The video then shows the deputy running away after her gun was taken. The suspect then uses the gun to shoot at her just as more deputies arrive on the scene.

Through tree branches in the yard, the suspect can be seen walking toward the cars armed with the handgun pointed in the air. One deputy shouts for him to drop the gun before opening fire along with other officers.

The gunfire did not wound the female deputy, but she was taken to the hospital for injuries related to the scuffle. The suspect was airlifted to a hospital for the gunshot wounds.
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Old 02-03-2021, 05:27 AM
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Should have did a mag dump into that turd and let him bleed out.
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Old 02-05-2021, 07:49 PM
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why didn't they ran over the guy.
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Old 02-10-2021, 09:43 PM
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thats the end of that lol,
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Old 02-11-2021, 12:57 AM
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good ending
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Old 02-12-2021, 11:31 PM
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ffs let be real here:

"Through tree branches in the yard, the suspect can be seen walking toward the cars armed with the handgun pointed in the air. One deputy shouts for him to drop the gun before opening fire along with other officers."

from the video yes he was PUNCHING her but not using a white weapon or a gun so she should have restrained him with the training she had using other methods.

yes he shot her(once) then when the rest of the rest of the cops arrived(3 cars)he was surrendering,weapon pointed up,so dont be retard and just say run him over.

from there they should have keep telling him to drop the gun UNTIL HE POSSES A THREAT(pointing it at someone)not just "drop" the gun once and then at least 3 start guns blazzing.

i dont know what happened before the camera starts,and i cant see very well through the trees but if the description is correct let me be honest here.this cops (including the policewoman)should be fired ,went to trial and see what happens for total sorry but this should be a BLM protest for this.not all black ppl are criminalls and not all cops are there to"protect and serve"
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Old 02-13-2021, 01:08 AM
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Originally Posted by ningem View Post
ffs let be real here:

im sorry but this should be a BLM protest for this.not all black ppl are criminalls and not all cops are there to"protect and serve"

Apology accepted! In this case, this black man disarmed and discharged a weapon multiple times while fighting a law enforcement officer. He then raised his hands WITH the firearm he STOLE in his hands. Any cop, rightfully would and should kill him.
He did not surrender, he did not drop the gun. Its a shame this man could not be added to the thousands of other dead killers and attempted killers.

Its true not all blacks are criminals and not all cops are perfect. So fucking what? Irrelevant unless you think this fucker is a symbol of all blacks. Then we can have another talk.

This black is a criminal and does not give a fuck about human life. Defend the great black leaders you have and not scum bags that deserve to be shot.

These cops should train more to fight with a gun and to kill attackers before they touch you. He should have been dead on the ground a long time before he could get near her.
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Old 04-07-2021, 01:59 AM
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Should have just sent a social worker but a fat woman with a gun is pretty good too.

The outcome of PC culture is good content at least.
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Old 04-27-2021, 06:24 AM
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Originally Posted by ningem View Post
ffs let be real here:

"Through tree branches in the yard, the suspect can be seen walking toward the cars armed with the handgun pointed in the air. One deputy shouts for him to drop the gun before opening fire along with other officers."

from the video yes he was PUNCHING her but not using a white weapon or a gun so she should have restrained him with the training she had using other methods.

yes he shot her(once) then when the rest of the rest of the cops arrived(3 cars)he was surrendering,weapon pointed up,so dont be retard and just say run him over.

from there they should have keep telling him to drop the gun UNTIL HE POSSES A THREAT(pointing it at someone)not just "drop" the gun once and then at least 3 start guns blazzing.

i dont know what happened before the camera starts,and i cant see very well through the trees but if the description is correct let me be honest here.this cops (including the policewoman)should be fired ,went to trial and see what happens for total sorry but this should be a BLM protest for this.not all black ppl are criminalls and not all cops are there to"protect and serve"
You'r mostly peaceful BLM "protest" should only be in you'r own neightborhood so you can expirience how peaceful this "protest" can be yourself.
"Not all cops are there are there to protect and serve"?
Like cops are only there to hunt down and kill black people, BLM ideology really brainwashed you good
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