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Gunman Shoots NYC Deli Worker at Point Blank Range

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Gunman Shoots NYC Deli Worker at Point Blank Range 

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Old 07-19-2023, 11:17 PM
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17 February 2023, South Ozone Park, Queens, NYC

America's worst shot! Gunman shoots NYC deli worker at point-blank range and then returns with AR-15 and shoots him multiple times AGAIN - yet he somehow survives and calls the cops!

This is the terrifying moment a masked gunman opens fire at a shopkeeper in a Queens deli with a handgun - before going back and shooting at him with an AR-15 rifle.

Donnie Hudson, 35, walked into the Express Deli in South Ozone Park, Queens, on Wednesday afternoon, where he shot the shopkeeper of the bodega multiple times.

He rained down bullets on the 47-year-old, who miraculously survived the attack despite being shot at repeatedly – and was hit in the eye.

Footage shows the assailant in the store two hours earlier, appearing to collect mail before calmly walking out.

Hudson - described as 'calm and quiet' by his victim's nephew - returned at 2.30pm and unloaded his Smith and Wesson .40 caliber handgun at the store worker in front of three terrified customers.

The gunman then retrieved a larger automatic weapon and lifted it over the counter and pulled the trigger multiple times in the direction of the shopkeeper, known as S.

S. can be heard screaming and crying after being shot in the face, falling to the ground behind the counter and bleeding during the 2.30pm incident.

Footage shows him crouched in the corner as he is being shot at with the machine gun before managing to make a call on his phone.

Police confirmed that Hudson lives above the Rockaway Express Deli, near 114th Street, and was taken into custody after the shooting.

He allegedly told officers that deli employees had been stealing from his home after his arrest on suspicion of attempted murder.

A second 27-year-old man suffered a wrist injury and both were treated at Jamaica Hospital Medica Center.

S.'s nephew, Mehanad Kaid told 'A man walked in and took a couple of shots at my uncle with a pistol from close range. He got hit.

'The guy stepped outside and then came back with a bigger weapon and took a couple more shots.

Hudson has been charged with attempted murder, criminal possession of a machine gun, criminal possession of a loaded firearm, criminal possession of ammo clip, criminal possession of large capacity ammo-feeding device and unlawful possession of the ammo-feeding device.

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Amano Jack, Eggbeater01, Guns N' Coffee, HIGHTECHDUDE, hughjardon67, Hunted, iceman247, Joe1of2, kellyhound, Mr.NoCredit
Old 07-20-2023, 06:58 PM
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He has no chance of ever being recruited by 2 guys on a motorcycle with point blank shooting like that.
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Old 07-21-2023, 04:29 PM
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should never return into society.
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Old 07-23-2023, 12:07 AM
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Wow that’s some next level guardian angel protection right there… yeah he got hit but taking a .40 to the face like that and not instantly dropping is unreal
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Old 07-23-2023, 10:41 AM
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Wondering if the ammo from that .40 were wadcutters..??

Or something that wasnt very hot ammo
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Old 07-26-2023, 01:13 PM
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What a fucking shitty shot, that many bullets and his target isn't dead this guy is a fuck up beyond how pathetic. Cant even get murder right lol
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Old 07-30-2023, 02:48 PM
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Came back with a BIGGER gun and still couldn't get the job done...

Of course, the way the owner screamed like a bitch, I'd be tempted to come back again too.
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