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Cell-phone Store Armed Robbery
Old 10-26-2008, 06:47 PM
kellyhound's Avatar
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Sat, Oct. 20, 2008
Police are seeking the public's help in identifying three males who robbed a cell phone store in North Philadelphia on Monday.

The robbery occurred around 3 p.m.
Three men entered the Speed Wireless store in the 2700 block of Germantown Avenue, drew guns on an employee, and stole about $5,000 worth of merchandise, police said.

One person with a gun was described as about 14 years old, 5-foot-2 and weighing about 100 pounds, wearing a black NASCAR-type jacket with blue sleeves and a large symbol of a flame in a circle.

Another was described as 18 to 20, heavyset, and wearing a gray hooded sweatshirt.
The third robber was said to be 18 to 20 and wearing a white baseball-type jacket with green stripes.

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Old 12-16-2009, 01:22 PM
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15 yrs for a few phones just what is it with dickheads like this!!
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