In 2012, a dramatic incident unfolded during the filming of a stunt for the Korean version of Top Gear in Arizona, captivating viewers around the world. The stunt involved a race between a Corvette ZR1 supercar and an AH1 Cobra helicopter. However, moments after the chequered flag fell, chaos ensued as the helicopter lost control at low altitude, spiraling into a tailspin before crashing to the ground. Footage of the incident vividly captured the mounting panic of both the pilot and the car's driver. Initial reports suggested that the helicopter's crash resulted from mechanical failure, leading to a stall and a sudden loss of altitude. However, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has now concluded its investigation into the incident and found no evidence of pre-impact mechanical malfunctions or failures that would have hindered normal operation. According to the NTSB's report, the probable cause of the accident was attributed to "a flight control malfunction while maneuvering for reasons that could not be determined." Notably, neither the pilot nor the helicopter operator submitted a comprehensive accident report. Despite the intensity of the crash, both the pilot and his passenger miraculously suffered only minor injuries, serving as a testament to their fortunate survival amid a perilous situation. |
The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to oHeLL For This Useful Post: | ||
kellyhound, musiclvr567 |
it's a small miracle no one died |
shit |