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WWII - Holocaust - Dachau (modern Day)

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WWII - Holocaust - Dachau (modern Day) 

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Old 02-19-2009, 02:46 AM
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Dachau camp is now a museum.
Documenting Reality
'Arbeit Macht Frei' gate through Jourhaus into prison compound.jpg

Baracke X, the crematorium and gas chamber building.jpg

Blue worker's cap on display at Dachau.jpg

Cell door with sunlight coming through skylight.jpg

Close-up of Dachau oven, May 2001.jpg

Close-up of metal stretcher used to put bodies into oven, May 2003.jpg

Close-up of oven in old crematorium.jpg

Dachau Commandant's house is on the right.jpg

Dachau_never_again written in several languages.jpg

Display in 1965 Museum shows photo of Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler.jpg

Former entrance into Dachau Memorial Site was on the east side, May 2003.jpg

Gas input device in fumigation cubicle.jpg

Gatehouse at the entrance to the Dachau concentration camp, May 2007.jpg

Gatehouse had machine gun in watch tower on top, May 2001.jpg

Hallway of the so-called Bunker at the Dachau concentration camp.jpg

Hundreds of prisoners were stacked into triple bunks in each barracks.jpg

Interior of disinfection chamber, May 2007.jpg

Interior of the old crematorium, showing the entire room.jpg

Jewish Memorial (June 2005).jpg

Locations of barracks are marked by beds of gravel.jpg

Locker with prison clothes hanging inside.jpg

memorial at the camp in 1997.jpg

Memorial to the victims of Dachau (October 2007).jpg

New crematorium (October 2007).jpg

Original crematorium used by the Nazis (October 2007).jpg

Oven in Dachau crematorium, May 2001.jpg

Plaque on wall to the left of crematory oven.jpg

Prison cells are on each side of long hallway.jpg

Prisoner bathroom (June 2005).jpg

Prisoner bunks (June 2005).jpg

Prisoner sinks (June 2005).jpg

Protestant Church of Reconciliation (June 2005).jpg

Rifle range where Russian POWs were shot.jpg

Stone bridge over the Würm river canal in front of Dachau gatehouse.jpg

The camp courtyard.jpg

the Catholic Mortal Agony of Christ chapel at Dachau concentration camp in Dachau, Germany taken.jpg

The commemorative mass grave dedicated to the unknown dead at Dachau.jpg

The entrance and the northern part of the bunker (September 2007).jpg

The modern sign outside the building housing the cremation ovens says in German- 'Think about ho.jpg

The old Crematorium had a 'large double furnace'.jpg

The sign says that prisoners were hanged from the rafters. The ovens cremated the dead.jpg

Tower (June 2005).jpg

View of roll-call area from one of the buildings (June 2005).jpg

Whipping block on display in Dachau museum.jpg

Zyklon-B pellets fell into box and hot air was blown in.jpg

Attached Images
Combined bunk room and eating room.jpg
Jewish Monument at graves of Dachau camp victims.jpg
Monument in honor of Austrian victims of Dachau.jpg
Reconstructed barrack building and location of original barracks.jpg
Tables for eating, wooden lockers on the back wall.jpg
Two reconstructed barracks built in 1965.jpg
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