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Coelacanth, A Really Old Type of Fish

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Coelacanth, A Really Old Type of Fish 

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Old 12-02-2008, 03:24 PM
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Coelacanth, adaptation of Modern Latin Cœlacanthus is the common name for an order of fish that includes the oldest living lineage of gnathostomata known to date. The coelacanths, which are related to lungfishes and tetrapods, were believed to have been extinct since the end of the Cretaceous period, until the first Latimeria specimen was found off the east coast of South Africa, off the Chalumna River in 1938. (They are, therefore, a Lazarus taxon.)

Since 1938, Latimeria chalumnae have been found in the Comoros, Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, Madagascar, and in iSimangaliso Wetland Park, East London in South Africa.

The second extant species, L. menadoensis, was described from Sulawesi, Indonesia in 1999
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Old 12-02-2008, 05:31 PM
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hope one eats that thing, nasty!
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Old 02-27-2009, 06:09 AM
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The German team that first filmed the coelecanth in Indonesia in 1999 was led by one Hans Fricke, Check out the link below for two videos he shot of the African species (Latimeria chalumnae). In one of them, a coelacanth displays its trademark “handstand” posture.

Videos of the Coelacanth - Latimeria chalumnae - ARKive

“Living fossil” coelacanth captured on video
31 May 2008

On May 30, a Japanese research team videotaped a one-meter long coelacanth in its natural habitat in the waters off the coast of Indonesia’s Sulawesi island. According to the announcement by Aquamarine Fukushima — a marine science museum located in Fukushima prefecture — this is the first video of a coelacanth in its Indonesian habitat since a German team videotaped one in 1999.

Researchers at Aquamarine have been studying the coelacanth since the facility opened in 2000, and a research team has been stationed in Indonesia since last year. Researchers used a camera mounted on a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) to shoot a 10-minute video of the coelacanth. The video reportedly shows the fish lurking in a rocky cave located about 500 meters off the coast of Buol in northern Sulawesi, at a depth of about 170 meters. The museum has not indicated when the video will be shown to the public.

“The camera light caused the fish’s eyes to glow green. It was there. Its body was dark blue,” the research team reported to museum director Yoshitaka Abe on the telephone.

“Congratulations. Well done,” Abe told the researchers. “This is a big first step in our research.”
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Old 02-27-2009, 06:16 AM
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Video of Indonesian coelacanth
27 Jun 2006

The news report states that while more than 200 coelacanth finds have been documented off the coast of southern Africa, only 4 of the Indonesian variety had ever been confirmed before the Aquamarine Fukushima team caught theirs on video last month. According to the group’s coelacanth web page, the researchers this time were able to capture a total of 7 coelacanth on video during the period from May 30 to June 5, as follows:

- May 30 (8:00 to 9:00 AM): Successfully videotaped an Indonesian coelacanth off the northern coast of Sulawesi, at a depth of 170 meters in 17 degrees Celsius water. Length of video is 5 to 10 minutes.

- May 31 (approx. 7:30 AM): Videotaped 2 more coelacanth in the same cave where the first coelacanth was videotaped.

- May 31 (approx. 10:00 AM): Videotaped another coelacanth in a different cave located at a depth of 180 meters.

- June 4 (approx. 6:40 PM): Videotaped 3 coelacanth over the span of 2 hours at a depth of 150 meters in the same area.
Picture and Video Clip Stats.
File Type: mp4 indonesian coelacanth.mp4 (2.60 MB , 266 views)
File Type: mp4 indonesian coelacanth2.mp4 (2.67 MB , 276 views)
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Old 07-18-2009, 08:10 PM
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The natural history museum in LA has a preserved coelacanth on display. It's INSANE!

I love those videos.
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Old 07-18-2009, 09:31 PM
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cool i havent seen one at any fo the museum's i've been. not that i've been to many just seen them in books prior to finding these vids online
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Old 07-19-2009, 01:10 PM
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