Just recently, near the town of Visoko, 30 km north of Sarajevo, Bosnia found four pyramids, which should be at least 12,000 years old and were built by a race of pre-Illyrians, which - according to the Enddecker and pyramid researcher Semir Osmanagic - 27,000 years ago in today's Bosnia-Herzegovina lived. In addition to already excavated levels were found among the pyramids miles of tunnel systems, which include all four pyramids together. These European pyramids remained undetected for long periods because of their surface covered with vegetation, even though the inhabitants of the village around the pyramid have always been of the "pyramid Berg said. The word Visoko itself means "high". The pyramids found that the step pyramids of South America have been remarkably similar, Pyramid of the Sun, the Moon Pyramid, earth pyramid and pyramid called dragons. In addition to Semir Osmanagic, who studied 15 years long pyramids in Egypt and South America, experts from around the world are involved in the excavations. Since May 2006, Aly Abd Alla Barakat came, an expert from Egypt, was added, a geologist with specialists look for unnatural topography, specifically delegated by Zahi Hawass, chief administrator of all Egyptian pyramids and ancient monuments. The "Bosnian Valley of Pyramids" has been studied for about 5 years, dozens of archaeologists, physicists, doctors and professors from around the world have already worked on the project and there are always encouraged to light new archaeological sensations. Were discovered so far: * Five pyramids * An artificial hill grave * A subterranean, several kilometers long labyrinth * Tons of heavy stone balls, scattered throughout the area All these findings are evidence of an advanced civilization, perhaps the cradle of European civilization! The scientific reports leave no room for speculation: An advanced culture in Europe, far older than previously known, was already up to 30,000 years ago in a position to build complex structures. Hundreds of thousands of visitors, including journalists, TV crews, scientists and academics had, after her visit to their previous knowledge of civilizations question: populated at a time as Homo Sapiens Europe, there was in this valley, a people that was able to build the biggest pyramid in the world with a height of 210 meters (Cheops pyramid: 138 meters), it perfectly to the directions align (deviation ten times less than the Cheops pyramid) and use a construction material, its strength is four times higher than today's concrete. Original Text: Erst kürzlich wurden nahe der Stadt Visoko, 30 km nördlich von Sarajevo, Bosnien vier Pyramiden gefunden, die mindestens 12.000 Jahre alt sein sollen und von einem Volk der Prä-Illyrer gebaut wurden, welches – laut dem Enddecker und Pyramidenforscher Semir Osmanagic – vor 27.000 Jahren im heutigen Bosnien-Herzegowina lebte. Neben bereits ausgegrabenen Stufen fand man unter den Pyramiden kilometerlange Tunnelsysteme, die u.a. alle vier Pyramiden miteinander verbinden. Diese europäischen Pyramiden blieben wegen ihrer bewachsenen Oberfläche lange unentdeckt, obwohl die Bewohner des Dorfes um die Pyramide schon immer vom “Pyramidenberg” sprachen. Das Wort Visiko selbst bedeutet “hoch”. Die gefundenen Pyramiden, welche den Stufenpyramiden Südamerikas erstaunlich ähnlich sind, wurden Sonnenpyramide, Mondpyramide, Erdpyramide und Drachenpyramide genannt. Neben Semir Osmanagic, der 15 Jahren lang Pyramiden in Ägypten und Südamerika studierte, sind Experten aus aller Welt an den Ausgrabungen beteiligt. Seit Anfang Mai 2006, kam Aly Abd Alla Barakat, ein Experte aus Ägypten hinzu, ein Geologe mit Spezialistenblick für unnatürliche Topographie, eigens entsandt von Zahi Hawass, dem Chefverwalter aller ägyptischen Pyramiden und Antikendenkmäler. Das „ bosnische Tal der Pyramiden“ wird seit ca. 5 Jahren erforscht; Dutzende Archäologen, Physiker, Doktoren und Professoren aus der ganzen Welt haben bereits an dem Projekt gearbeitet und es werden immer wieder neue archäologische Sensationen zu Tage gefördert. Entdeckt wurden bisher: * fünf Pyramiden * ein künstlicher Grabhügel * ein unterirdisches, mehrere Kilometer langes Labyrinth * tonnenschwere Steinkugeln, verstreut über das ganze Gebiet All diese Funde sind Zeugnisse einer hoch entwickelten Kultur, ja vielleicht der Wiege der europäischen Zivilisation! Die wissenschaftlichen Auswertungen lassen keinen Raum für Spekulationen: Eine Hochkultur in Europa, weitaus älter als bislang bekannt, war schon vor bis zu 30.000 Jahren in der Lage, komplexe Bauten zu errichten. Hunderttausende von Besuchern, darunter Journalisten, TV-Teams, Wissenschaftler und Akademiker, mussten nach ihrem Besuch ihr bisheriges Wissen über Hochkulturen in Frage stellen: In einer Zeit, als der Homo Sapiens Europa bevölkerte, gab es in diesem Tal ein Volk, dass in der Lage war, die größte Pyramide der Welt mit einer Höhe von 210 Meter zu bauen (Cheops Pyramide: 138 Meter), sie perfekt auf die Himmelsrichtungen auszurichten (Abweichung zehnmal geringer als die Cheops Pyramide) und einen Baustoff zu verwenden, dessen Festigkeit vierfach höher ist als heutiger Beton. |
Hmm, that pyramid looks more like a mountain in that pic. Have they tried getting inside it to see if there are any hidden treasures?
That is amazing. |
interesting and good post but are they really 12,000 years old? how do you date such a thing and how accurate would that method be?
good post
That would be cool if they really were pyramids. Even if they really are mountains thats a pretty amazing shape for a mountain |
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My Rank: PRIVATE Poster Rank:9032 Join Date: Apr 2010 Mentioned: 0 Post(s) Quoted: 0 Post(s) | ||||||||
to date them they will probably carbon-date but more likely to measure the amount of radiation in the stonework itself, as you know everything has radiation in it.
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When using several different methods to date a rock, you can achieve an accurate reading if you keep getting the same answer regardless of the method you use. Kinda the same way that we know the earth is 4 billion years old. There are MANY different things that tell us the age of the earth, all of which give the age of roughly 4 billion years. |
???? They are dumbass. They are REAL pyramids you nut sniffer.
''The term Bosnian pyramids has been used for a cluster of natural geological formations sometimes known as flatirons near the Bosnia and Herzegovina town of Visoko, northwest of Sarajevo, including Visočica hill, which became the focus of international attention in October 2005 following a news-media campaign promoting the false idea that they are human-made and the largest ancient pyramids on Earth. Scientific investigations of the site show that there is no pyramid there. Additionally, scientists have criticised the Bosnian authorities for supporting the pyramid claim saying, "This scheme is a cruel hoax on an unsuspecting public and has no place in the world of genuine science.".... '' http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bosnia_pyramid |