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Old 09-01-2012, 03:27 PM
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Kronum is a sport which was invented in 2008 by Bill Gibson in Villanova, PA. It is currently played only in the United States, with professional league games taking place in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Kronum is becoming more popular in Europe[citation needed]. Gibson decided to include elements of different sports: soccer, basketball and handball. The main philosophy of Kronum is to introduce a new gameplay experience to the world of sports, this is why the main slogan of Kronum is “join the revolution." This sport combines classical activities (football, basketball, handball, rugby…) into a common sport where players can contribute their unique skill-sets to the game. The website of the American Kronum league also works like a social network where fans and players can stay in contact.

video 1 - how to play
video 2 - top 10 plays of 2011
Documenting Reality

Picture and Video Clip Stats.
File Type: mp4 Kronum_2012_How_to_Play_2_The_Rules.mp4 (24.20 MB , 127 views)
File Type: mp4 Kronum_2011_Top_10_Highlights_of_the_Year.mp4 (13.59 MB , 106 views)
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