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She Stole and Swindled These Guys

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She Stole and Swindled These Guys 

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Old 11-22-2013, 04:27 PM
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They Lied. There ALL LIES
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They lost tons cuz of this lady...

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So, The Held Her For A Few Weeks, Took Her Fingers Off...


Colin Coats and Philip Wade, both 42, killed the financial adviser after they deemed she had duped them over deals.

The 27-year-old was abducted from a Glasgow street in April 2011 before being held in a flat in West Kilbride, Ayrshire, where she was tortured for two weeks.

Jurors heard that Coats and Wade tied her to a chair in the attic of the Meadowfoot Road flat between April 14 and 28, before they burned her hand with an iron, cut off her thumb and hit her with a golf club.

Coats was jailed for life with a minimum of 33 years, while Wade received a minimum 30-year sentence at the High Court in Glasgow on Monday.

The jury returned a guilty verdict after they previously heard that Ms Spence had £6.6m in fake Danish Government bearer bonds printed in an attempt to pay back those owed money from an ill-fated deal for land next to Stansted Airport in London. The jury returned its verdict on Monday after five days of deliberations.

Paul Smith, 47, and David Parker, 38, had previously also been accused of murdering Ms Spence during the trial. However, the Crown accepted their guilty pleas to the reduced charge of assaulting Ms Spence and gave evidence on behalf of the prosecution in which they said they had held the woman at the flat.

On Monday, Parker was jailed for 11 years and two months for his offence, while Smith received an 11 month prison term.

In a statement, Ms Spence's parents, James and Patricia, said afterwards: "There is no verdict that will bring our daughter Lynda back or spare her the terrible ordeal that took her life.

"We will never begin to imagine her suffering or comprehend the cruelty of any person who would do that to another human being.

"We cannot begin to understand or forgive what they did to our daughter, Lynda. No words can begin to describe the heartache and pain we are suffering.

They concluded: "Lynda was a warm, kind and thoughtful daughter and was someone who always had time for others. We miss her so much."

Detective superintendent Alan Buchanan, the officer in charge of the murder investigation, added: "Police Scotland is pleased that the persons responsible for the abduction and horrific murder of Lynda Spence have been brought to justice.

"I hope in some small way this will bring some satisfaction to Lynda's parents, who have had to endure the pain of hearing the graphic details of the horrific torture and terror inflicted on Lynda in her final days.

"Although satisfied with the verdict, the pain for the Spence family continues as due to the actions of the accused, Mr and Mrs Spence have been unable to lay their daughter to rest. At this time I would appeal for those convicted to show some common decency and tell us where Lynda is in order that we can get her back to her parents and allow them to grieve properly and move some way towards rebuilding their lives."

He added: "The police cannot bring people like Coats, Wade, Smith and Parker to justice on their own and I would like to give a special mention to the witnesses in this case. Despite many of them being terrified of the accused, they had the courage to stand up and be counted to ensure that the people responsible for Lynda's abduction and murder pay for their actions."

The trial heard that £85,000 of Coats’ money had been invested in the Stansted deal, which led to him murdering her.

Coats, who provided short-term loans to Ms Spence, held her responsible for losing his money and duping him over deals, prosecutors said. When it became clear that she was continuing to mislead them, Coats and Wade murdered her and disposed of her body, which has never been found.

Parker and Smith claimed they were offered money to guard Ms Spence at the flat.

Giving evidence at the trial, Coats said Ms Spence arranged to stay in the Meadowfoot Road flat herself. He said she wanted to lie low because of threats from former business associates over an unpaid debt and disappeared from the property one day when Smith and Parker were not there.

A spot of blood identified as Ms Spence's, which was found on the linoleum floor at the foot of a bath in the flat, could have been consistent with her ordinary use of the bathroom, Coats's lawyer has suggested.

The defence said the Crown failed to prove that Ms Spence is even dead, leading evidence from witnesses who claimed to have seen her after she was killed



At the High Court in Glasgow Lord Pentland imposed life sentences on Colin Coates and Philip Wade after they were found guilty of the murder of Lynda Spence in April 2011. The punishments parts were fixed at 33 years and 30 years imprisonment respectively. David Parker was sentenced to 11 years and 3 months imprisonment and Paul Smith was sentenced to 11 years imprisonment after they pled guilty to assaulting Lynda Spence and attempting to defeat the ends of justice.

On sentencing Lord Pentland made the following statement in court:

"David Parker, you eventually pled guilty to playing a significant part in the captivity and torture of Lynda Spence and to attempting to defeat the ends of justice by cleaning up the flat where you assisted in holding her prisoner for two weeks and taking other steps to cover the tracks of all those involved. Your motive for agreeing to take part in this deplorable scheme was the promise of financial reward. For the scheme to work, a place of captivity had to be provided and there required to be persons willing to act as captors whilst the torturers, Wade and Coats, were not there. You were willing to assist by making your flat available and acting as a guard for a protracted period.

Due to your heavy consumption of drugs and alcohol you appear to have abandoned any sense of decency or morality when agreeing to participate in these crimes. You were fully aware that Miss Spence was being systematically tortured in a horrifying manner and held against her will in conditions that were utterly degrading and inhuman, yet you did nothing to alert the authorities or obtain medical treatment for her. Your conduct throughout was despicable and cowardly.

I note that you have a significant previous criminal record, all at summary level.

I accept that you are entitled to credit having regard to the point in time at which you indicated an intention to plead guilty. I acknowledge also that the evidence you eventually gave as a Crown witness was of some assistance to the prosecution case. I accept that you have evinced remorse.

In the circumstances, I intend to impose on you a cumulo sentence in respect of charges 6 and 7.

You will go to prison for 11 years and 3 months. This will be backdated to 1 November 2011.

Had you not pled guilty, the sentence would have been one of 15 years imprisonment.

Paul Hamilton Smith, you pled guilty in the same terms as Parker and also in respect of another charge of attempting to defeat the ends of justice by disposing of a mobile telephone and SIM card. All that I have said about Parker's part in these dreadful crimes applies just as much to you as to him. You could have taken steps to bring about the release of Miss Spence and save her life, but you were too weak and too much of a coward to intervene. You too were motivated by the prospect of financial reward.

I note that you also have a significant criminal record and particularly that it includes a sentence imposed in this Court in 2001 for being concerned in the supplying of controlled drugs. For that offence, you were sentenced to 5 years imprisonment. Despite that sentence, it seems that you were not deterred from becoming involved again in serious criminality, fuelled by the consumption of drink and controlled drugs.

Your position differs from that of Parker since you indicated an intention to plead guilty before the indictment was served.

I intend, in your case, to impose a cumulo sentence in respect of charges 6, 7 and 16. This will be one of 11 years imprisonment and will be backdated to 1 November 2011.

Had you not pled guilty, your sentence would have been one of 16 years imprisonment.

Philip Wade, there is only one sentence I can impose on you for the murder of Lynda Spence and that is imprisonment for life.

The law requires me to set a minimum period that you must serve in prison as the punishment part of your life sentence. In setting that period, I take account of the fact that the murder of Miss Spence was a truly monstrous and barbaric crime, which the Court must regard as an offence of the utmost gravity. It was very seriously aggravated by the fact that it was preceded by prolonged captivity and by violent and merciless torture. You were motivated by greed and a thirst for revenge against Miss Spence, whom you held responsible for causing you or your close friend, Colin Coats, financial loss. The evidence shows that you are a violent and dangerous man with no respect for human life or for the values of a civilised society.

In fixing the minimum period in your case and in the case of your co-accused Colin Coats, I take account of the many aggravating features of the case. I can identify no mitigating considerations. In the circumstances, I consider that you Wade must serve at least 30 years in prison as punishment before the possibility of release on licence may even be considered by the Parole Board for Scotland. I emphasise that the period of 30 years is only a minimum period, which I am required by law to set at this stage. You will not necessarily be released after 30 years and may indeed never be released. That, as I say, will be a matter for others to decide. I shall attribute a period of 6 months to the bail aggravation.

On charge 7 I sentence you to imprisonment for 10 years.

These sentences will run concurrently and be backdated to 1 November 2011.

In your case Colin Coats, I again impose a sentence of imprisonment for life on charge 6.

On the basis of the extensive evidence I heard, I am left in no doubt that, as between you and Wade, you were the more dominant and controlling personality. You were, I consider, the prime mover behind the abduction, torture and murder of Miss Spence.

In addition, you have been convicted of two serious charges of extortion and one of assault and robbery.

You are apparently a man of some intelligence, who previously attained a measure of success in your life, but I am convinced that you have a manipulative, devious and cruel personality, allied to a marked tendency to resort to violence when you perceive that you have been thwarted or to advance your own interests. In my considered view, you are a highly ruthless and extremely dangerous man.

In the circumstances, the punishment part in your case must, in my judgment, be greater than in Wade’s case. Taking account of the appalling circumstances of your crimes, I consider that you must serve a minimum period of 33 years in custody. I shall attribute 6 months of that period to the bail aggravation.

On charge 7 I sentence you to imprisonment for 10 years.

On charge 9 I sentence you to imprisonment for 8 years.

On charge 10 I sentence you to imprisonment for 8 years.

On charge 11 I sentence you to imprisonment for 6 years.

All these sentences will run concurrently with the sentence on charge 6 and be backdated to 1 November 2011.”


The case against the men accused of killing missing financial adviser Lynda Spence is circumstantial but compelling, a court has heard.

In her closing speech at the High Court in Glasgow, Solicitor General Lesley Thomson QC told the jury that Colin Coats and Philip Wade had abducted, tortured and murdered Miss Spence.

She added: "The Crown case is that four men controlled the last two weeks of Lynda's life."

Miss Thomson said that the evidence pointed to Coats being in charge and Wade his trusted lieutenant.

She added: "The two other members of the team, David Parker and Paul Smith, have accepted their part. They provided the place of confinement. They guarded her day after day while she was tortured by Colin Coats and Philip Wade."

The prosecutor dismissed defence claims during the trial about Albanians, gangsters and police informants and told the jury: "They played no part in Lynda's death."

She added: "The truth sadly is more sordid and closer to home.

"The truth is to be found in a residential source in Meadowfoot Road, in West Kilbride.

"The truth is days of captivity for that young woman tied to a chair in pain in her own bodily waste in the attic room.

"The truth is days of unspeakable cruelty, pain, humiliation and degradation."

Miss Thomson added: "The motive for this hate-filled crime was that Colin Coats and Philip Wade had lost two things that were important to them — money and face."

The jury was told that sympathy for either the victim or the accused should not play any part in their decision.

Miss Thomson said that the Crown position is that Miss Spence is dead and added: "If she was alive she would have contacted her parents no matter what trouble she was in.

"She has not had any contact with her mother since the last call made to her on April 20.

"This is not a young woman who has chosen not to make contact. This is a young woman who can't make contact because she is no longer alive."

Earlier on Tuesday, the jury heard that two serving police officers claimed to have seen Miss Spence after she disappeared.

Three members of the public also say they saw her after her disappearance on April 14, 2011.

Coats and Wade deny abducting, torturing and murdering her at a flat in Meadowfoot Road, West Kilbride between April 14 and 28, 2011.

The trial before Lord Pentland continues.


Missing businesswoman Lynda Spence was taped to a chair and tortured for two weeks by two "callous" killers, a court has been told.

Solicitor-general Lesley Thomson told a jury that Ms Spence "knew what she was on for" from the moment one of the men, Philip Wade, brought a torture kit into the attic room where she was being held.

She added: "It was made clear that she wasn't to get out of that chair."

Ms Spence, 27, from Glasgow, went missing on April 14 2011. Police launched a murder investigation but no body has ever been found.

Wade and Colin Coats, both 42, are on trial at the High Court in Glasgow accused of abducting, torturing and murdering the financial adviser. They deny the charge.

In her closing speech to the jury, Ms Thomson said there was a compelling case that Ms Spence had been killed by the two men.

She pointed to evidence given by Paul Smith, 47, who admitted guarding Ms Spence. He told the court he saw a tool bag with vinyl gloves, loppers and surgical tape next to Ms Spence in the attic of the Meadowfoot Road property.

He also said he heard Coats say: "This is an abduction, Lynda."

Ms Thomson told the jury: "You are entitled to infer that Lynda Spence knew what she was in for. The torture kit had been carried in by Philip Wade and left there for later use.

"It was made clear that she wasn't to get out of that chair. Paul Smith said he was shocked and afraid. How must she have felt?"

Body in furnace

Ms Thomson said Ms Spence was taken to the flat by Coats and Wade on April 14, 2011 and was murdered by them some time on April 27 or 28.

Smith and David Parker, 38, were cleared of murder during the trial after they pled guilty to a reduced charge of holding Ms Spence against her will and assaulting her.

Coats was "callous" in his control of Ms Spence's phone as she was held hostage, during which time he sent text messages to the missing woman's friends and family to "allay concerns", Ms Thomson claimed.

The solicitor-general said Coats and Wade were two men who "could not keep their mouths shut", referring to evidence heard during the trial that they had confessed to the killing.

Peter Haddley, who met Coats while they were in Addiewell prison, West Lothian, said the accused man told him that he killed a woman and put her body in a furnace.

Mr Haddley said previously: "He told me he had killed her. She had tape over her mouth. He held her nose until she died. Philip was there but Colin did it. He took great satisfaction in it because she owed him money."

Tony Kelly, a business associate of Ms Spence and Coats, gave evidence in which he said Coats told him he killed Ms Spence and another associate, John Glen, said Coats showed him a human thumb wrapped in a plastic bag.

The jury also heard that Ms Spence's phone was found dumped in a bin outside the Lunchbox cafe in Kilbirnie, Ayrshire, on June 2, 2011.

'Grubby back-shop deal'

Ms Thomson said Coats spoke to police that day and that the officers told him they would be looking into Ms Spence's mobile phone.

"You can infer that he disposed of that phone in that bin, having been put on notice that morning that police would be looking at Lynda Spence's phone," she said.

Defence advocate Gary Allan QC, acting for Wade, told the jury that the Crown's decision to accept Smith and Parker's guilty pleas amounted to "a grubby back-shop deal".

He claimed the move, which saw the two men give evidence as prosecution witnesses, was a "last resort" when the Crown was "running out of ammunition".

"Without the accounts of Parker and Smith, the Crown had no evidence whatsoever to provide a narrative to put to you about what happened to Lynda Spence," Mr Allan told the jury.

The pair were motivated by the prospect of having their sentences reduced by up to 20 years from what they faced if convicted of murder, he added.

The trial, before Lord Pentland, continues


The case against the men accused of killing missing financial adviser Lynda Spence is circumstantial but compelling, a court has heard.

In her closing speech at the High Court in Glasgow, Solicitor General Lesley Thomson QC told the jury that Colin Coats and Philip Wade had abducted, tortured and murdered Miss Spence.

She added: "The Crown case is that four men controlled the last two weeks of Lynda's life."

Miss Thomson said that the evidence pointed to Coats being in charge and Wade his trusted lieutenant.

She added: "The two other members of the team, David Parker and Paul Smith, have accepted their part. They provided the place of confinement. They guarded her day after day while she was tortured by Colin Coats and Philip Wade."

The prosecutor dismissed defence claims during the trial about Albanians, gangsters and police informants and told the jury: "They played no part in Lynda's death."

She added: "The truth sadly is more sordid and closer to home.

"The truth is to be found in a residential source in Meadowfoot Road, in West Kilbride.

"The truth is days of captivity for that young woman tied to a chair in pain in her own bodily waste in the attic room.

"The truth is days of unspeakable cruelty, pain, humiliation and degradation."

Miss Thomson added: "The motive for this hate-filled crime was that Colin Coats and Philip Wade had lost two things that were important to them — money and face."

The jury was told that sympathy for either the victim or the accused should not play any part in their decision.

Miss Thomson said that the Crown position is that Miss Spence is dead and added: "If she was alive she would have contacted her parents no matter what trouble she was in.

"She has not had any contact with her mother since the last call made to her on April 20.

"This is not a young woman who has chosen not to make contact. This is a young woman who can't make contact because she is no longer alive."

Earlier on Tuesday, the jury heard that two serving police officers claimed to have seen Miss Spence after she disappeared.

Three members of the public also say they saw her after her disappearance on April 14, 2011.

Coats and Wade deny abducting, torturing and murdering her at a flat in Meadowfoot Road, West Kilbride between April 14 and 28, 2011.

The trial before Lord Pentland continues.

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Old 11-23-2013, 12:48 PM
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She doomed herself.

This should happen more often and be made more public.

Steal from others at your peril.
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Old 12-26-2014, 02:39 PM
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She was 27? Shit, she looks about 50.
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Old 12-26-2014, 06:44 PM
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Fukk with criminals get fukked...
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hey they want equal rights so they are treated the same!
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how do you hide a corpse that size?
all they had to do was pull her teeth out!
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Old 02-28-2015, 08:16 PM
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Originally Posted by stew2011;45607[SIZE="8"
[/SIZE]68]hey they want equal rights so they are treated the same!
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oh sorry did I upset you with the truth
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Old 05-03-2018, 06:14 PM
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Pure evil.
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Old 05-23-2018, 07:01 PM
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Originally Posted by stew2011 View Post
oh sorry did I upset you with the truth
Here's some "truth" for you: you can't fight, you can't get laid, you have few friends, you thought you would go from mummy number one to mummy number two because you can't cope with your dull, unfulfilled life. And one day, a photo of you will end up on here, purple and bloated having had a strangle wank induced heart attack, and we'll laugh and laugh and laugh..
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