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Crime Scene Investigation For Police by the FBI

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Crime Scene Investigation For Police by the FBI 

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Old 06-13-2017, 12:42 PM
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This is a manual on crime scene investigation that was prepared by the FBI and decimated to law enforcement agencies. I made a translation of this into audio format, for those that prefer to listen.

Official expiation of the document:

Actions taken at the outset of an investigation at a crime scene can play a pivotal role in the resolution of a case. Careful, thorough
investigation is key to ensure that potential physical evidence is not tainted or destroyed or potential witnesses overlooked.

While many agencies have programs in crime scene processing, the level of training and resources available varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, as does the opportunity to practice actual investigation. To help these agencies, the National Institute of Justice supported the development of this guide.

I commend the hard work of the 44 members of the technical working group that created this guide. They are representative of law enforcement, the prosecution, the defense, and forensic science, and their collective expert knowledge, experience, and dedication to the task made this effort a success.

The guide is one method of promoting quality crime scene investigation. The type and scope of a crime scene investigation will vary from case to case. Jurisdictions will want to carefully consider the procedures in this guide and their applicability to local agencies and circumstances.

Janet Reno
Attorney General
Click image for larger version

Name:	fbi_csi.jpg
Views:	633
Size:	143.5 KB
ID:	735738
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File Type: pdf FBI_-_Crime_Scene_Investigation.pdf (351.3 KB , 303 views)
File Type: mp3 FBI_-_Crime_Scene_Investigation.mp3 (75.71 MB , 299 views)
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beepboop, Dr_Jackal, maggot1466688, Ninjavandal, pyromancer555
Old 12-04-2017, 08:34 AM
So Fucking Banned
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That is so very disturbing.
Thank you again, Chris.
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