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Quadriplegic Rapist Released

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Quadriplegic Rapist Released 

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Old 11-17-2012, 04:38 PM
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CORCORAN, Calif. -- California prison officials will free a quadriplegic rapist whose care costs the state $625,000 a year.

He applied last year to become the first inmate freed under a medical parole law that aims to reduce prison costs. Martinez was turned down as a public safety risk. An appeals court in San Diego rejected that decision last month and ordered his release.

He'll be the 48th inmate paroled under the program.

Martinez got 157 years-to-life in 1998 for a San Diego attack in which he rammed a woman's car, then kidnapped and repeatedly raped her.

He was paralyzed a decade ago when another inmate stabbed him in the neck.
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Old 11-17-2012, 09:08 PM
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well, guess he won't be able to rape any now he's paralyzed, at least not with his penis!
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Old 11-17-2012, 09:59 PM
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He deserved to be stabbed in the neck! Loser!

I don't wish ill on people, but, Hell, karma got to him.

Here is another article and a picture of his entire face, if anyone wants to track him down. When I heard this, I thought he was going to be a morbidly obese person. Also, his first name is Steven. I thought his face wasn't shown for his own protection.

*California to Release 'Repulsive' Inmate Steven Martinez, Too Costly to Care For*

By Heather Manes, Fri, November 16, 2012

A California quadriplegic inmate -- who is described by caretakers as an, “angry, repulsive” person, -- will be released despite concerns that he is a still a public threat.

Steven Martinez was the first inmate to apply to a medical parole program designed to release inmates who require 24-hour medical care. The program began in 2011 as a way to cut costs and move released prisoners into community hospitals or other care centers, where the federal government will help pay for medical expenses. Martinez is said to cost the state of California $625,000 per year due to his condition, according to The Daily Mail.

Martinez was sentenced to 157 years in prison in 1998 after running a woman over with his car and then beating, abducting and raping her. A few years into serving his sentence, Martinez was involved in a prison fight that resulted in another inmate stabbing him in the neck, which severed his spinal cord and paralyzed him.

Martinez first applied for release through the program in 2011, but the Board of Parole Hearings denied his appeal. The board cited concerns raised by prison caretakers that he verbally assaults and threatens them. They claim, despite being paralyzed, he remains a threat to others.

However, the Fourth Appellate Court in San Diego ruled this decision unreasonable last month. Thus, Martinez’s release to an undisclosed facility has been ordered. He will be the 48th inmate paroled under the medical release program. There have only been six denied under the program, according to corrections records.

The release of Martinez has raised public concern, especially from neighbors of his mother, who lives in Clairemont and has volunteered to care for him.

“It's a definite issue and I will have to keep a real eye on things that [are] going on around here,” neighbor Gregory Smith told 10News when Martinez first petitioned for release. “It's a concern."
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Old 11-17-2012, 11:10 PM
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Makes me wish more of the convicted rapists/child rapists could have the same experience as he did - being paralyzed either through an assault or even a medical procedure. Hmmm. That's even better than having them castrated.
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Old 11-18-2012, 01:44 AM
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Jails need more angry, repulsive people, lol!
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Old 11-18-2012, 02:01 AM
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LOL he got raped in the neck..
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Old 11-18-2012, 02:30 PM
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Disgusting. Releasing filth like that to 'save money'????
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Old 11-18-2012, 07:46 PM
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Give him the Gas

In prison or No.... he's going to cost the taxpayers money. The only solution is Liquidation
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Old 11-20-2012, 12:52 AM
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So... cripples are harmless now? I should tell my handicapped friend that he's absolutely harmless. He'll get a laugh as he continues to try to run us all over with his wheelchair.

BTW, I still have a huge bruise from the last time he tried to run me over on my butt. Not so harmless I think.
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Old 11-20-2012, 12:00 PM
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Wheel him out to the desert and leave him for the buzzards...
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