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Hundreds of Arrests in Paris As ‘gilets Jaunes’ Protest Turns Violent

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Hundreds of Arrests in Paris As ‘gilets Jaunes’ Protest Turns Violent 

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Old 12-02-2018, 03:31 PM
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France will consider imposing a state of emergency to prevent a recurrence of some of the worst civil unrest in more than a decade, a government spokesman said on Sunday, as peaceful protestors were urged to come to the negotiating table.

The morning after groups of young men wearing masks rioted on the streets of central Paris, Benjamin Griveaux told Europe 1 radio: “We have to think about the measures that can be taken so that these incidents don’t happen again.” When asked about imposing a state of emergency, Griveaux said the president, prime minister and interior minister would discuss all options available to them at a meeting on Sunday.

The French president, Emmanuel Macron, has insisted he will “never accept violence” after central Paris saw its worst unrest in a decade on Saturday when thousands of masked protesters fought running battles with police, torched cars, set fires to banks and houses, and burned makeshift barricades on the edges of demonstrations against fuel tax.

Near the Arc de Triomphe, one of Paris’s best-known monuments, masked men burned barricades, set fire to buildings, smashed fences and torched luxury cars on some of the most expensive streets in the city as riot police fired teargas and water cannon.

Then, by early evening, rioters spread around Paris in a game of cat and mouse with police. Luxury department stores on Boulevard Haussmann were evacuated as cars were set alight and windows smashed. Near the Louvre, metal grilles were ripped down at the Tuileries Garden where fires were started. On the Place Vendôme, a hub of luxury jewellery shops and designer stores, rioters smashed windows and built barricades.

Anti-Macron graffiti was scrawled over the Arc de Triomphe near the tomb of the unknown soldier and protesters burst into the monument smashing up its lower floors before climbing on to the roof.

More than 250 people were arrested and at least 100 injured – including one protester who was in a serious condition on Saturday night – after the violence erupted on the margins of anti-fuel tax demonstrations held by the citizens’ protest movement known as the gilets jaunes (yellow vests).

Macron, who was attending the G20 summit in Buenos Aires, said he would lead an emergency meeting of senior government ministers after returning to Paris on Sunday morning. He said: “No cause justifies that security forces are attacked, shops pillaged, public or private buildings set on fire, pedestrians or journalists threatened or that the Arc de Triomphe is sullied.”

He said that the peaceful demonstrators – whose name derives from their fluorescent high-visibility jackets and who have been demonstrating against taxes for two weeks – had legitimate concerns and he would hear their anger. But he said their demonstrations across the country on Saturday had been infiltrated by violent rioters who would be brought to trial in court.

In Paris, the protest began early in on Saturday morning as peaceful gilets jaunes arrived at the Champs Élysées to stage a march. The spontaneous citizens’ movement began in mid-November in opposition to rising fuel taxes but it has shifted into a much broader anti-government and anti-Macron protest movement about inequality and poor living standards. Slogans on Saturday slammed the centrist, pro-business president as a symbol of an elite cut off from the people.

The gilets jaunes have significant support from the general public and are proving the biggest headache yet for Macron, who was taken by surprise by the anti-tax revolt and is struggling to quell it.

Saturday’s violence and shocking scenes of burning buildings, torched cars and flames rising on the smartest streets of central Paris present an even bigger challenge to the government, which fears being seen as unable to keep a lid on the unpredictable protests and the violence on its edges.

Authorities on Saturday stressed the difference between peaceful protesters who marched along some Paris streets on Saturday morning, singing and waving flags, and the violent clashes that followed.

About 5,000 gilets jaunes marched down the Champs Élysées at midday, some carrying roses, many shouting: “Macron, resign!” and singing the national anthem. The Champs Élysées was closed to cars and tightly monitored by police, with identity and bag checks taking place as shop workers boarded windows and dismantled outdoor terraces.

But by early on Saturday afternoon the Arc de Triomphe was surrounded by masked protesters fighting running battles with police. The interior minister, Christophe Castaner, said thousands of troublemakers unconnected to the peaceful demonstrations had deliberately come to “pillage, smash, steal, wound and even kill”. He called them rioters who were “professionals at causing disorder”.

Authorities suggested extreme-right and extreme-left militants were involved in the rioting. The interior minister said that by 8pm police had cleared most rioters from central Paris.

Across France, more than 75,000 gilets jaunes demonstrated in cities or blocked roads and toll booths, some briefly stormed the runway of Nantes airport and others blocked supermarkets and major motorway junctions or staged barricades near government buildings. There were 580 roadblocks across the country.

In the past two weeks, hundreds of thousands of protesters have taken similar action, complaining that Macron’s pro-business fuel tax policy was unfair and that people in low-income jobs could not make ends meet.

“The yellow vests will triumph,” was daubed across the facade of the 19th-century Arc de Triomphe monument in large black letters – and greeted with condemnation from politicians.

Many gilets jaunes protesters spoke out against the violent skirmishes on the edge of the demonstrations.

“What message do the yellow vests want to pass today? That we set France on fire, or find solutions? I find this [violence] absurd,” Jacline Mouraud, a prominent activist within the movement, told BFM television.

However, another protester said: “The government is not listening. Revolution cannot happen without violence.”

Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the head of the leftwing France Insoumise party, described the protests as “a process of citizens’ revolution”.

Macron said last week that he understood the anger people felt over the rise in fuel tax. He promised three months of national talks on how to transform France into a low-carbon economy without penalising people on low incomes who had to drive to work.

But government attempts to negotiate with the movement have not calmed the protests.

“We want our dignity back and we want to be able to live from our work, which is absolutely not the case today,” Jason Herbert, a spokesman for the movement, said after walking out of talks with the prime minister, Édouard Philippe, on Friday.

Hundreds of people have been injured and two people have been killed in car accidents since the protests began on 17 November. Polls continue to show that the demonstrations are supported by most French people. The protests have also spawned copycat demonstrations in Belgium.
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Old 12-02-2018, 06:24 PM
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English subtitles available for the first vid....
The people's call. The country's blood.

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Old 12-04-2018, 04:51 PM
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What do I see in the videos.. Men, men, more men. In my country we have a saying that translates to "stupidity condenses inside groups". How does it help when they turn over and torch other citizens cars? It doesn't, it's just fun and you can almost taste the testosterone.
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Old 12-04-2018, 09:27 PM
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Originally Posted by rheedork View Post
What do I see in the videos.. Men, men, more men. In my country we have a saying that translates to "stupidity condenses inside groups". How does it help when they turn over and torch other citizens cars? It doesn't, it's just fun and you can almost taste the testosterone.
Not to mention the estrogen...
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Old 12-06-2018, 01:12 PM
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Their are two kind of Yellow jackets
The whole majority is peacfull. Familly men, mothers, elders, black, white, muslims, christians etc.... They're all hard workers who ask why they are, when they can not feed well anymore. I'm in that situation. No joke. My best friend , lived in his car for 14 month when he was working on a construction site. (he owned 900 euros a month) A appartment rent is something like 400...That's just awfull and unacceptable in a country like France.

And there are the others. Some are disguised dirty cops (no joke), and far left anarchists sent by the government in the shadows since long time now (some of them don't speak french, and are migrants).
My father was a Gendarme specialized in thoses riot situations 15 years ago. He told those shaddy units were already a thing in the 80's. (Maussad's copycat).

The people is starting to elevat against the dirty corupted system in it's globality.
Fuel law is just the thing that ignitiated the whole mouvment.
-Ultra-taxes (we have for example a taxe on a taxe called CSG: You pay a taxe, and after you're taxed on it...yeah, I know).
-Environment fake reasons.
-Pro-Pedophilia laws.
-10000 non-solved disappearance cases by year. (800 kids)
-ultra capitalism and laws made by a political Europe we did vote AGAINST but we are in anyways...
-Deleting of ISF (a taxe on big fortunes that Macron erased 10 days after he became president.
-fake news and constant manipulation
-Terror attacks.
-migrants fake policy
-Less and less cops in the streets because of "budget restriction"

What the holy fuck are they doing with our money?

Many others reasons, my english is too limited to explain.
Anyways, our elites leaders don't get the fact that you don't need to be rich, for being smart.

I know a lot of people on this website, because they know what's the reality (if "Documenting reality" means what it means) and that they cannot see it on tv news, are aware that medias and government are lying to us every days.

Cops arrested azardously some of the peacfull yellow jackets for reasons like: insulting, spitting, no respect of traffic laws etc....
When you watch the video above and have a brain, you ask yourself some serious questions about the autenticity of the ones who give orders...

BTW Cops attacked the peacefull ones at first at 8:00 am. They had the orders to do so. It's spreading on internet actually.

So they burn and destroy everything that represent that shity obscure power.
I don't support violence, but there's no revolution without it.
We know better about that here.

You cannot see it there, but the first category of Y jackets was cleaning the mess, extinging fires, after the first one made it (I was there).
But minds a getting heated more now, because government answered bullshit and mocked us again today.

12.08.18: death could certainly enter the party.
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Old 12-06-2018, 01:39 PM
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Forgot to mention the fact, a lot of people a questionning Macron's couple autenticity too.
His "wife " is 20 y older than him, and he acts extremely gay.
If I know well, it was the same in USA ;)
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Old 12-08-2018, 07:39 AM
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Originally Posted by guims79 View Post
English subtitles available for the first vid....
The people's call. The country's blood.

I would have NO hesitation in using live rounds on every person involved in destroying individuals property. They are NOT responsible for the Governments short falls. :2 gunsfiring_v1:
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Old 12-08-2018, 06:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Oswald2001 View Post
Not to mention the estrogen...
No, just testosterone.

They are predominantly male. Just like the political elite are predominantly male. Just like the media is owned and operated predominantly by males. Just like communism, which always ends in war and famine, was invented and implemented predominantly by males. Just like war was predominantly initiated by males etc., etc.
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Old 12-10-2018, 02:45 PM
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I read somewhere they've begun fielding troops with the EU flag instead of the French flag to quell the riots. Seems globalist forces are now openly on the move.
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Old 12-14-2018, 09:28 AM
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Watch the man in the window at 16:58 in the 2nd video

I saw a yt video where a cordon of police officers in battle gear sing "the Marseillaise" before a group of peaceful gilets j = Y jackets. to me that makes a big statement!

Also note that only expensive cars were severely damaged or burned. just watch the 2nd video: a Porche, Mercedes, a fat Audi, a car with diplomatic plates, a fat SUV,

And this unrest ain't over yet.
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