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Dead Body in Hotel Room
Old 08-11-2011, 05:01 PM
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An employee called 911 after discovering a 'dead body' in a Maryland hotel. Officials later found the bodies of William Parente, his wife and two daughters who died in an apparent murder-suicide.

The bodies of a New York lawyer, his wife and their two daughters were found in a hotel room in this Baltimore suburb, the authorities said Tuesday, apparently the victims of a murder-suicide.

Employees of the Sheraton Baltimore North Hotel found the bodies of William Parente, 59; his wife, Betty Parente, 58; and their children, Stephanie, 19, a sophomore at nearby Loyola College, and Catherine, 11, on Monday afternoon inside their locked room on the 10th floor, said Cpl. Michael Hill of the Baltimore County police. The employees went to the room after the Parentes did not check out on time Monday, Corporal Hill said.

The couple and their younger daughter had traveled to Towson from their home in Garden City, on Long Island, to visit Stephanie, a speech and language pathology major at Loyola who had been accepted to a program of study next year in Newcastle, England.

Corporal Hill would not say how the victims died or whether a suicide note was left. He said that he thought one of the parents was responsible but that the authorities were still searching for a motive.

“Was it economic reasons?” Corporal Hill said. “Was it family reasons? We just don’t know.”

Mr. Parente, a 1974 graduate of Brooklyn Law School, specialized in estate planning and had his own practice in Manhattan. No one returned calls to his office on Tuesday.

The deaths shocked people on Long Island who knew the family.

Betty Parente was on the board of the Tri Town Auxiliary of United Cerebral Palsy of Nassau and volunteered with the Girl Scouts and the American Cancer Society, friends said. A neighbor, Robert Krener, who said he sold the Parentes their house 12 years ago, called the deaths “an anomaly on a scale I can’t begin to fathom.”

“He was a hard-working guy; not once did I ever see the slightest friction between the two of them,” Mr. Krener said. “I knew of no financial problems, and they didn’t seem to skimp on anything.”

“It sounds so trite,” he said, “but they were the most wonderful couple. Something must have been terribly wrong. The community just loved them and embraced them.”

Corporal Hill said that the Parentes had breakfast together on Sunday morning, and that a hotel employee saw them together on Sunday afternoon, the last time they were seen alive.
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Old 08-19-2011, 07:27 AM
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found out sum more

William M. Parente (July 20, 1949–April 20, 2009) was a New York real estate attorney who came into the spotlight following the murders of his wife and two daughters and his suicide.

At the time, he was also under investigation by the FBI for an alleged Ponzi scheme.

Late in his legal career, Parente was involved in making what he called "bridge loans."

"He essentially worked as a bank," reported a friend, making comparatively high-risk loans to projects pending permit approval.

In order to fund those loans, he allegedly drew on assets from investments for which he had responsibility.

When at least one investor called asking for money back, Parente could neither immediately return the funds, nor successfully explain his inability to do so.

The cause of death was found to be asphyxiation.

It was later found that Parente had purchased a knife after killing his family.

Police believe that each of the murders took place at a different time.
Betty was believed to be the first victim, having been killed some time during the day on April 19.

Catherine was believed to have been killed soon after. Both victims were laid on a bed in the room. Stephanie, a speech-language pathology major, was believed to have been killed later on Sunday after she had left the Loyola campus for a visit from her family that had surprised her.

Her roommates were also surprised because she had been studying for a chemistry exam to be taken the following day.

Around midnight, after the murders of Betty and their daughters, Stephanie's roommate had called the room at the Sheraton to check on her.

Parente answered the phone, and replied that Stephanie had been staying there. He was believed at the time by Stephanie's roommate, who was unaware that Stephanie was already dead.

That roommate later reported that Parente sounded "odd" over the phone, and did not sound like himself.

Parente is believed to have killed himself some time on Monday morning. Hotel staff noticed that the Parentes did not check out on Monday, and there was concern from Loyola College about Stephanie not showing up that day.

The motive was believed to be Parente's financial difficulties and a pending investigation against him.

It was learned by Baltimore County Police while they were investigating the crime that Parente was also being investigated by the FBI for a scheme in which investors were potentially defrauded out of $20 million.

In particular, a complaint had been made against Parente for the alleged loss of $450,000.

According to the information learned in the financial investigation, $245,000 in checks Parente had written to investors had bounced, leading to complaints to the New York attorney general's office.

Some investors reported following his death that they had "lost millions."

The FBI investigation, which is considered to be separate from that of the murders and suicide, is ongoing.
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Old 09-07-2011, 04:40 AM
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Old 09-09-2011, 07:58 PM
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Old 10-06-2011, 12:57 AM
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Old 03-22-2012, 04:28 AM
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Well now I know that if I ever find myself in that hotel, I don't want to stay in room 1029.
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Old 04-21-2012, 10:33 PM
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ahh, here we are. room 1029....doh!
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Old 05-25-2012, 05:24 PM
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