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Two Teenage Women on a Bike Recording Their Own Fatal Crash - Section 4

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Two Teenage Women on a Bike Recording Their Own Fatal Crash 

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Old 06-15-2024, 12:01 PM
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Xploit Machine
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Colombian Girls Film Own Deaths

Two 19-year-old women who were traveling along a highway in Quindío recorded on video the moments before the accident where both lost their lives after colliding with a tree in the area surrounding the Palmas de Café condominium. Although the road accident occurred at dawn last Sunday, the video that was found on one of the women's phones was only known until now.

In the clip you can see the two young women identified as Katerine Yulieth Cubillos Cárdenas and Selena Valentina Valencia Ramírez, who are traveling on a motorcycle at high speed and without protective helmets. The woman who was mobilized as a griller is the one who records the walk they were taking in the early hours of Sunday along the road between the town of Pueblo Tapao and the municipality of Montenegro.

However, on several occasions the motorcycle driver is seen losing sight of the road by looking at the cell phone camera. At the end of the video, the women no longer appear in the recording, some lights can be seen and then only the road is visible. Several drivers traveling on this road found the two women lying on the ground and called the police. Both lost their lives at the scene.

The authorities have alerted drivers to exercise caution on the roads since nine deaths due to traffic accidents have been recorded in Quindío this week.
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Old 06-15-2024, 07:14 PM
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ride or die!
they weren't riding, so...
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