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Quite Brutal! Girl Gets Executed by a Wood Stick Blow to the Head - Section 33

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Quite Brutal! Girl Gets Executed by a Wood Stick Blow to the Head 

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Old 08-20-2022, 04:35 PM
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the knockmon the head caused bleeding and swelling to the brain. I think it scared the POS's
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Old 08-20-2022, 07:33 PM
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Broken skull, brain damage caused the seizure, doubt she survived, probably internal bleeding of the brain as a result she most likely died from brain trauma.
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Old 08-20-2022, 08:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Dallnar View Post
In the very beginning they have her holding some thing on top of her head. This is probably to cut back on any visible head trauma.
I saw a similar clip years ago. My Mum, of all people showed it to me.

It was forwarded to her on the pretext of urging it be shared to deter Nigerian girls from contemplating heading to Libya, where African/Liberian girls were being murdered.

My conclusion at the time was that the breeze block she was obliged to hold in place on her head was to minimise/prevent brain matter spraying every which way.

Huge cement slab thingy. Massive log or plank brought down on her head. Similar hair tied back like this lady. In fact, I was convinced when I started watching this that the same clip had turned up here.

She had been ordered to sit on a slightly elevated spot. Not on bare soil. Lots of locals gathered around. I got the impression she had no idea what was coming.

She uttered a shocked "Oh" when the first blow came. I think she was literally blindsided as the blow came from someone that stepped forward from her left.

In fact, she appeared to freeze and remained seating upright. Got hit a second time. The shocked expression and wide staring eyes seemed to have a fleeting confirmation.

Then a dude approached from her right and punched her just as ferociously in the face, several times. Which interrupted the facial processing of the head blows, as he pummeled her face so hard, he must have messed up this knuckles.

Then she slid to the floor in an almost taunting slow motion, convulsing and eyes rolling back.

She was dragged by her feet a few yards forward to where people could gather around her.

And gather they did, men and women. And almost silently watched her continue to twitch. There was also a slipper that her hand grabbed hold of. And the other slipper lay not far. It's been almost 10 years since I saw this. Managed to bring myself to watch it once again. It really upset me that she was alone in a foreign country and hated that much. No one helped.

By the end of the clip, her convulsions were unrelenting. I never doubted she went on to die from the injuries.

Having watched it twice, I couldn't bring myself to watch it again. It almost plunged me into depression. And I don't depress easily.

I wondered if her family ever learnt of her fate. Or are they still expecting her to walk in through the door one day?

Over the years, my mind has replayed it. I searched for it later on her phone but there was no sign of it. Googled African or black lady murdered in Libya. But was it even Libya. They just looked Arab to me at the time.

I honestly thought I'd found the clip here after all these years. Until they began pulling her about and forcing her to sit up.

What could she have done for the man to punch her repeatedly in the face, as if she wasn't already toast after the plank of wood bore down on the heavy block on her head?

Perhaps because her stunned body went into the cataleptic seated position, he thought she hadn't been hit hard enough.

My recollection was that she looked expressionless as she convulsed. This lady hear almost seemed to be trying to get some words out. And looked to be aware that she was fucked.

What are the odds? This method of lynching must be a well rehearsed one. In different parts of the world.
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Old 08-20-2022, 11:27 PM
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seen this gem on ************* alooong time ago..I sure do miss that site, and Mark. Great upload.
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Old 08-21-2022, 06:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Ballerina View Post
This video confuses me. I see no damage to her head and why is she convulsing?
It looks like a post concussive seizure to me but I may be wrong. Maybe she had diffuse axonal injury.
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Old 08-22-2022, 10:42 PM
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my guess is she leaned forward when he came down with the log and it broke her neck
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Old 08-23-2022, 12:58 AM
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It was those brutal unprotected hammer fists that did it. I think she could have shook off the shit with the stick. I mean she was covering up with that cell phone on the stick spot.
That dude has no idea the power he possesses in those fists!!
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Old 08-23-2022, 01:00 AM
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That should be a commercial for gorilla glass for cell phones 🤣.
Strong enough to make a local go crazy but still not strong enough to break gorilla glass.
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Old 08-19-2024, 09:21 PM
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These people make Neanderthal Man look civilized.
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Old 08-20-2024, 04:06 AM
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Look up the different type of brain injuries. What is her reflex action from the brain injury? That did severe brain damage instantly.
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