So this is another long case with a lot of history behind it, rather than the typical three-line news blurb with some accompanying gory photos. This case does have photos, which are pretty hi-quality and rare given that the crime happened in Europe, but there's a lot of history to the case, as well. Unfortunately, my Romanian is for shit. The translator software for it isn't very polished, either. I have some background with classical Latin, which helps, but there are still too many borrowed words in Romanian vernacular that I struggle with stringing them together. Sifting through Romanian news reports is a far cry from Cicero and Seneca. And I really don't have the time to spend making a major project out of it, so you guys will just have to suffer through my narrative. I'm writing it up with a mind for the facts of the case while still trying to keep it brief and interesting. ![]() So this is the story of Christina and Alexander. They were both fairly spoiled, moderately wealthy children from political backgrounds. Her dad was a deputy-mayor and his was some sort of MP. The families had been friends for several years, especially the two fathers, and the two children knew one another from childhood. In 2002, there was a push between the families that the two kids should be married. Both were in their early 20's at the time. Christina's mother was in the end stages of pancreatic cancer and there was some familial pressure to see them wed before she died. They were initially married in a small, private ceremony (the photo with her holding the bouquet below is from their wedding) with the intention of having a much larger, more formal ceremony (mainly for the benefit of her mother) a month or two later. The two moved in together, managing a small hotel in a resort community. Problems apparently began immediately. Alexander had a girl on the side in the same town the hotel was located. As I understand it, he had always been in love with the other girl and married Christina only due to family pressure. She was having none of it, though. She put up moderate resistance to his 'sleeping around' but no action was taken, largely due to no one wanting to upset the dying mother-in-law. But then, about two months after their wedding, Chrstina's mother died and everything changed. She went into a morose depression following the death of her mother and lost much of her energy and interest in life. Except for her husband's 'other lady', which she now responded to with great and furious anger. Sources indiated that the couple were fighting fiercely over the girl, but that they were trying to reconcile. It was, after all, only two months after their wedding. Then, one evening in August, Alexander went out to the club with some friends and got a little tipsy. He came home and saw Chrstina asleep on the floor on their mattress. For some reason they slept on a mattress on the floor rather than on an actual bed. Not sure why, but it was mentioned multiple times. Anyhow, he didn't see her closely, bceause only the bathroom light was on and he didn't want to wake her up for fear of getting bitched out for being out dancing. So he stumbled around the room looking for a bottle of whiskey in the dim half-light. While searching for the nightcap, his cell phone beeped in his pocket, indicating that it needed a battery charge. So he went to the bed to get his charger, which usually sits beside the mattress and, much to his surprise, he discovered that it was wrapped around Christina's neck! He turned on the lights in a panic and saw her sprawled out on the mattress, the cord to his charger wrapped two full times around her neck and a black plastic bag wrapped around her head. He dropped down to all fours beside her to remove the bag, but saw that her face was beaten and she was obviously dead. He got to his feet, vomited in horror, and then called the police. Thus began a legal drama of near-epic proportions. It turns out that Christina had been strangled to death on their mattress, the life choked out of her with a cell phone cord, with a bag put over her head for good measure. Her broken necklace lay nearby and there were a few very minor blood spatters on the bed, plus there were some abrasions on her hands and skin under her fingernails, indicating at least some measure of struggle. Alexander was the obvious suspect. Marital problems, husband finds the body...it doesn't take Columbo to figure this out, right? Except that he passes every single polygraph test they give him. Witnesses place him at the club until about 10 minutes before he called the police and the coroner indicated that Christine had been dead for several hours when he discovered her. Plus, what motive? With her mother dead, she'd have happily divorced him anyway and their families could get on with their lives. He didn't really profit in any way from her death. But if not him, then who? There was no robbery. Thousands of dollars of cash were lying around the room and no one stole the cell phones, jewelry, or electronic equipment. There were other problems, too. Strange ones. The DNA material under her fingers was her own. She had scraped her neck while clawing at the cord and bag that were choking the life out of her. But if her hands were free to claw, how was there none of the assailant's DNA under there with it? And Alexander didn't have a mark on his body. Furthermore, there was almost none of her DNA on the clothes he'd been wearing. Only what could conceivably have gotten there when he found the body. Plus, there was almost no blood. Only a few spatters, despite her being beaten several times in the face, hard enough to knock out at least one tooth. Her clothes had a tiny bit of blood spatter and there was urine on her pants, which is expected in an asphyxiation death, but no semen from sexual assault. And no hairs, fibers, or anything else on her clothes. Only her own. Nothing at all left behind by the killer. Alexander was a well-known non-smoker and Christina smoked only lightly. But logged at the scene were two beer bottles that had been used, RECENTLY, as makeshift ashtrays. They were almost full. Someone had smoked several packs of cigarettes in a short time in their bedroom. But the bottles disappeared before anyone could run DNA tests on the butts or even check to see how many matched Chrstina's lipstick. And then there were the fingerprints. There were none. Anywhere near the scene. Even though Alexander lived and slept there, he had no prints anywhere at all,a side form his palm prints in blood and lipstick on a plastic bag that was lying near the bed, allegedly from when he knelt down to check her body. The entire apartment had obviously been cleaned of prints, but by whom? It came to light later that the police were a real crack team of Barney Fifes. Apparently none of them had even bothered to dust the fucking cell phone charger for prints until almost 4 months later, after it had passed through who knows how many hands. The cigarette bottles completely vanished from the scene. There were blood stained discovered in the hallway, an indication that she may have been killed elsewhere and placed back in the apartment, but none of the officers collected or logged the blood! Only a photo or two were taken and then it was cleaned up by undisclosed parties. Alexander was dragged back into the courts multiple times before finally being acquitted and moving to Hong Kong to avoid being hassled in his home town. But Christina's father was certain he was guilty and continued applying governmental pressure to re-open the case. He eventually succeeded, despite Alexander having been acquitted of the crime. Five years after Christina's death, prosecutors popped up claiming that Alexander had used drugs to beat the lie detector tests. They also brought in some 'star witness.' A convict in a prison who testified that Alexander had visited his cell mate several times, including on the morning of the murder day and provided a physical description of Christina and even what she was wearing that day. The cell mate had since been released, but the issue was raised that Alexander had coordinated a hit using this convict as a go-between. It was all apparently enough for the courts, who felt comfortable trying him in absentia for third time for the same crime. In 2011, he was given a sentence of 25 years in prison. Unfortunately for them, he'd been living in Hong Kong since 2005 and had no interest in returning, nor was Hong Kong willing to have him extradited back to Romania for a crime he'd already been acquitted of. Was justice served? Who the fuck knows. Maybe he did it, maybe he didn't. But he's not doing time for it either way. Whoever the killer was and whyever they killed her, they're still walking free today, be it in Hong Kong or somewhere else. In any case, here are some excellent photos from the case and the crime scene. If there are any Romanians reading this who happen to be more familiar with the case, do feel free to correct my explanations and translations. Like I said, it was a difficult case to translate and I drew from several different sources for my information. Included are several photos of the couple alive: at their wedding, on their porch, and in front of the hotel that bears Christina's name. There are also several of her corpse, both at the scene and at the morgue, a photo of the bloody palm-print Alexander left on the bag beside her body, and the only image of the suspected 'blood stains' in the hallway, which were never collected for evidence. Thanks for reading, those few of you who actually stuck through all of my ham-fisted, poorly-translated narrative. ![]() |
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I wonder if he ever got his phone charged.
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ArKrayzie, Budd Dwyer, ezeemonee, Gabrielle*78*, Graphire78, Guderian1974, habsphannn, imbok, imtoxic, Jerdipski, keepitfun1, Killgaad, mickey27, Nephilim, Oswald2001, Pyramid_Head, RemaTizz, Rigor, StonkingBarry, StumpyNubbins, Warnebald, William May |
...Over here in the States...we look to the most common explaination...i say grill her christian hubby ![]() |
The Following Users Say Fuck Off To This Post By FavaBeans: | ||
18Zulu |
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The Candyman With the Windowless Van Poster Rank:145 Join Date: Oct 2012 Mentioned: 30 Post(s) Quoted: 5760 Post(s)
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Do they grill in Honky Kong? Or do they use more subtle methods? Find a way to get him to North Korea. They know how do deal with "christians" there.
The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to philovan For This Useful Post: | ||
ArKrayzie, cardsharksam |
Wow what a story! ![]() |
The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Blu For This Useful Post: | ||
Budd Dwyer, jesuswept |
thats awful ![]() |
She was good looking.
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Budd Dwyer, nashmkm, Pyramid_Head |
Shut the fuck up, you perverted goddam troll. Go back to your art thread and stay the hell out of the real ones. I specifically said in the narrative that there was no goddam sexual assault. Piss off and quit haunting my threads with your necro bullshit. This isn't the place for it. |
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Asshole, Bronte1068, BrownRock, Budd Dwyer, cardsharksam, cortdb, CREGGERSTEVE, Dusti_, ezeemonee, Gatcentral0627, habsphannn, jaqk, jesuswept, JokersWrath, JustJen, keepitfun1, Kelseecat65, Killgaad, lovelylucinda, LunchMoney, Megamel29, mmansfield, morbidinterested, NoelPuppet, obelix, pa14555514, Pollucy, pragmatist, Pyramid_Head, rlon, Sarge99, SavageGlow, SCARLETXXXTREME, uswdkb42, Wench, wmSgt |
The Following Users Say Fuck Off To This Post By Vedderman: | ||
PepperJack |
Well of course after. DUH! ![]() |
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Do You Like Worms, FavaBeans, imtoxic |
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Dusti_ |
Upsetting ![]() |
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Budd Dwyer, vagabond |