On October 31, 2006, a highly publicized incident occurred in Lake Forest, California, involving 18-year-old Nicole "Nikki" Catsouras. The case gained notoriety not only for the horrific nature of the accident but also for the subsequent legal battle over privacy rights and the misuse of graphic images from the crash scene. Nicole Catsouras had an argument with her parents on the morning of the incident. Following the argument, she took her father's Porsche 911 Carrera without permission. Nicole, who did not have a license to drive at the time, lost control of the car at a high speed on the 241 Toll Road in Orange County. The vehicle collided with a toll booth near the Alton Parkway interchange, resulting in a catastrophic crash. The impact of the collision was so severe that Nicole was killed instantly. The Porsche was nearly unrecognizable, and the toll booth was extensively damaged. The California Highway Patrol (CHP) officers who arrived at the scene took photographs as part of the routine accident investigation. The tragedy was compounded when the accident scene photos were leaked and circulated on the internet. Two CHP employees improperly shared the graphic photographs, which quickly spread online, leading to them being seen by thousands, including the Catsouras family. The family was further traumatized by the unauthorized distribution and viewing of these disturbing images. The Catsouras family filed a lawsuit against the California Highway Patrol and the two employees responsible for leaking the photos for invasion of privacy and infliction of emotional distress. In 2012, the family was awarded $2.37 million in damages as part of a settlement with the CHP.
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fletch |
Dear God!! Show that to kids to drivers ed, they will never speed. ![]() |
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sirkusme |
Oh shit. ![]() |
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kyhoney3 |
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Such a terrible loss...
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AceGoober, BrownRock, DanielHenriksen, Firegirl1, Geemonster, Hobbychef, JayleeFb, juanmigual, kayloyp33, LadyDesdemonna, Loopville, Loopycann, michelleivan, Ozzman, Pyramid_Head, S3v3n007, SugarSable, The Catalyst |
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My Rank: PRIVATE Poster Rank:24238 Join Date: Nov 2007 Mentioned: 0 Post(s) Quoted: 1 Post(s)
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Dang, she messed up her hair pretty badly.
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AceGoober, adamsmasher, ashlifuckedit, certifiablysicknocap, CowGoesMoo, crazy_farmgirl, Dagwood, DocuRealMoose, dwencl, freakydeeky, fuccyoo, Geemonster, HairyGrape, Jabbadv, Kill it with FiRe, Kinky_John, LadyKnight7891, lunikov, Makke_77, miami, mrsandman187, Mullet_Head87, Necrosis, organizer, shiverpudlian, SolonJhee, SOTIC, Spuddymcgee, Teacupmydear, THELORDABORTION, TwistedlilGirl666, TyrRoo, vamptay, Ziah |
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Wage |
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My Rank: PRIVATE Poster Rank:24237 Join Date: Nov 2007 Mentioned: 0 Post(s) Quoted: 1 Post(s)
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i feel bad for both the girl and her parents. no one should ever have to go through this and no one should ever have to die like that. i just hope for the girl's sake that it was a quick death and she felt nothing. what in the heck made her drive so fast? where was she going? i can't imagine the pain the parents had to go through and is still going through. i only hope that this will teach a lesson to teenagers today. it doesn't pay to go so fast because if you do, you might end up like this girl. just because you're behind the wheel of a car doesn't mean you're invincible. NO ONE is!!! be careful, drive safe, and remember to check all your mirrors, your windows and everything else around you before passing another car. you don't want to end up like this.
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1594, aabagirl, Agapeti, Alydia, Andariel, ansgar, bbegovich, BLACKOUTx4500x, crazy_farmgirl, Cupofmuffin, dasplague, daughterofthenight, DCBROWN, divreaper, dlclotus, dockman, Epiphan_y, fearlessjones, fer, festilon27, Gazzoid, Geemonster, geordie,queen, hmiller23, Hobbychef, ishanzari, Jabbadv, JayleeFb, jdghgh, juanmigual, Juggleswithrazors, justjux2, kayloyp33, Kinalace, kingmoonbird, Kittyvonpurr, lauriemadness, lildjkitty, Loopycann, lostindisorder, lovelylucinda, Margana, Matthias5594, michelleivan, MISS VAMPRISS, mmansfield, moborox, morbidinterested, Nanina, Nemesia, nicea33, onepolishguy, pim, Rachee, rlon, Rob123, rossj, Scrivs, spizzles, stephaniewalker, SugarSable, sunbyrd808, tbone79, Telematics, TyrRoo, vagabond, vamptay, VinceWithShamwow, yeahboii22, Yoshi181313, ZombieGoreGasm |
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ToughAKChic |
I don't think she suffered to long tigger21.........
__________________ "Knowledge is often mistaken for intelligence. This is like mistaking a cup of milk for a cow" |
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1594, AngelAssassin, arsonist_1, Bronte1068, certifiablysicknocap, ChristySD, CuriousOne, dlclotus, ezeemonee, fuccyoo, gatagato, Geemonster, invertigo, JayleeFb, juanmigual, Loopville, MangoWrangler, maryrose5, mmansfield, Nates8er, sammerdog, Scrivs, TyrRoo, William May |
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Pallux |
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My Rank: PRIVATE Poster Rank:24241 Join Date: Dec 2007 Mentioned: 0 Post(s) Quoted: 3 Post(s)
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Human nature shows that a lot of people want to see gory things. I don't think The California Highway Patrol should be sued for this situation. The horrible thing is the lack of decency in people that have sent the pictures in e-mails and text messages to the family members. I don't understand and can't comprehend that kind of cruelty.
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Lilith undergroun |
Don't put a state of the art vehicle, like this Porsche, in the hands of a teenie-boppin-zit-squisher. Honestly I feel sorry for the sisters and brothers...the parents can figure their own way out of the decision they made. She was beautiful... |
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