Of nightclub dancer (Elisângela Cordovil Coelho, 29 years) from Florianopolis day was missing since March 23. Após seis dias, seu carro foi encontrado abandonado no lado oposto da ilha. After six days, his car was found abandoned on the opposite side of the island. Suspeitava-se de seu ex-namorado, no qual testemunhas afirmam que a dançarina havia procurado-o no dia anterior de seu desaparecimento.Seu corpo foi encontrado próximo ao dia 10 de abril, enterrado em uma área de dunas ao leste da ilha.. Confira Aqui Noticia Completa do Caso It is suspected of her former boyfriend, in which witnesses claim that the dancer had sought him the day before desaparecimento.Seu of his body was found the next day on April 10, buried in an area of dunes to the east of the island