No idea what exactly happened as pictures did not come with any back story whatsoever. Could be a shotgun to the chin. There is a possibility that he was hit with a metal rod or maybe rode a motorcycle without a helmet and failed to avoid the fence that partially impaled his face – these are all guesses though and whatever it was, it left his face pretty bloody.
The Following User Says Thank You to Faline For This Useful Post: | ||
DarwinsMistake |
I think he was tortured
I think it was a tragic bubble-yum accident. |
The Following User Says Thank You to Shadowkeeper For This Useful Post: | ||
Shawna |
who needs a chin anyway
makes a nice bumper
damn someone got in a good punch at him at the bar |
Nice post Kelly. My guess is a gun shot gone wrong.
Boobytrapped cigar?
chins are over rated
He was chinulated!