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Laurisa |
Mince anyone
whats head got do with anythin!!!! good pics, more story please....
Rodrics seems to have confused "Head" with "Guy who got his arm stuck in a meat grinder"
I have seen some stupid shit in my lifetime but why in the hell would you put your hand in a meat grinder?A while back I saw a pic of a guy that stuck his head in a moving commercial dough mixer, crushed his head.Damned if I can find any pics now though.People can be very strange at times.
Now we now what goes into chicken pakora |
where's the fucking head? do you actually SEE what you are posting?
Damn, people, read the frickin directions. And wear the safety gear. You might look like a freak, but at least you'd still have body parts.
a r post of my set.....
nothing posted by rodric is ever title related, i think thats his thing lol