Yeah, I lost a couple minutes of my life on this crap, I want it back!
what am i looking at? some woman wiv cotton buds stuck to her eyes????????????????
"Pilotul uneia din cele doua nave triunghiulare(modul de salvare) aflate in vecinatatea navei in forma de trabuc de 4 km lungime si diametru de 551 m, care a creat pe fata ascunsa a Lunii un crater a carui varsta este estimata la 3,5 miliarde de ani*" a translation of the rumanian could be: The pilot of one of the two ships triangular (rescue mode) in the vicinity of cigar-shaped vessel 4 km long and 551 m in diameter, which created the Moon's hidden face a crater whose age is estimated at 3.5 billion years * |
More Dorking? Now that's a username I can relate to.
Mordor King ,dumb ass, read tolkien viking00!
First of all, don't call me a dumbass. I knew what it meant. I wasn't insulting you, which you would have realised if your native language was English. Lastly, Tolkien is for fantasy ****. The Lord of the Rings movies were so lame I thought that they were made for children.
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What did I say about English? You "go get shit" whatever that means.
, that s better?