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There are almost 200 people whose lives have been claimed while trying to summit the highest mountain peak in the world. Although lots of us are aware how dangerous the climb can be, it is a lesser-known fact that most of the climbers and Sherpas who die on Sagarmatha (the Nepalese name for Mt. Everest, which means "Head of the Sky" and sounds much cooler than "Mt. Everest") are left on the mountain unburied. As many as 2500 people have climbed Sagarmatha since the 1920's and it is common for them to see bodies of dead climbers in full view of the most-used routes up the mountain. ![]() ![]() This climber's body has lain on the north face since 1996. He is believed to be an Indian man named Tsewang Paljor, but most people have simply referred to him as "Green Boots". The body of George Mallory, who climbed Everest in the first 3 British expeditions. He was last seen only a few hundred meters from the summit and his fate was unknown until 1999 when his body was finally found. He has lain on the mountain since 1924. From Wikipedia: Quote:
The Following 149 Users Say Thank You to dooflotchie For This Useful Post: | ||
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Wonderful pictures and story.
The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to FREAKYSCOTTISHDUDE For This Useful Post: | ||
caligirl, Cecile Volanges, DollHead, ezeemonee, JayceeBugg, nashmkm, Tas Tiger |
wow thats actually pretty interesting!
The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to bl00dlust For This Useful Post: | ||
Da1, theirishbouncer |
wow, nice post ![]() |
I go to Wikipedia every day, especially when I'm bored. I usually start doing something I call "link hopping" there and it's led me to all sorts of interesting things. My husband just shakes his head and says, "You read some weird shit." Finding out about the dead climbers left on Mt. Everest surprised me and seeing pictures of them makes me feel sad. There are plenty of stories out there that tell of people on their way to the summit finding others near death and just leaving them to die while they keep going on. One man, Beck Weathers, survived being left for dead during a 1996 climb which turned out to be the year with the most Everest deaths ever. In 2006 the first double amputee to reach the summit was also heavily criticised for leaving an English climber(David Sharp) to die. A lot of people say it's just too dangerous to remove the bodies that are visible, but I have to wonder if it's more about the tens of thousands of dollars being spent by the climbers who would not want absolutely anything to ruin their chance at getting to the top of the highest mountain in the world. Just getting a permit to climb from the Nepalese or Chinese government costs between $25,000 and $50,000. Then there's the money for expensive climbing gear, transportation, food, oxygen and hiring Sherpas to mule all that stuff up to the base camps. I guess all that is worth more than a person's life, huh? |
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10michele62, Bastet, chuck Dean, Darkseed, Dragonlady66, Dreek, EWSER-X, Eyeswideshut2nite, ezeemonee, festilon27, gatagato, GATxREMAG, Hotstuff, johnleeknoefler, junglistmillz, KLM77, Lion-hearted Girl, Loopy Lass, lovelylucinda, lyndyloo, Momzilla123, nashmkm, Oswald2001, PallMall12, Paupercool1, Piper, sambocat, Teacupmydear, Tumama, Vulnavia, Willezurmacht, winvens |
And they make it seem such an amazing thing on tv. I had no idea.
The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Maneater For This Useful Post: | ||
nashmkm, Oswald2001 |
great post ![]() ![]() |
The Following User Says Thank You to nastylulz For This Useful Post: | ||
splne1 |
At least they died doing what they love. Me, I want to die doing who I love. So's I can come and go at the same time.
The Following 13 Users Say Thank You to Nyckname For This Useful Post: | ||
Bastet, Big Tobacco, BLACKOUTx4500x, Da1, dEAD mICHAEL, dogleg818, Ladicius, LadyKnight7891, Livores, Lycanthrope, nashmkm, sickwithwords, winvens |
Nice! ![]() |
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Nifelheim |