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Brutally Cut in Half by a Train! - Section 4

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Brutally Cut in Half by a Train! 

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Old 05-07-2013, 08:25 AM
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That's a nasty looking arse crack !! Wish they concentrated on covering that up first
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Old 05-07-2013, 10:05 AM
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funny how they throw him in the box then set him back down on the tracks was there not a lesson learned here ppl
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Old 05-07-2013, 10:10 AM
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Originally Posted by Maxi_Rose View Post
My husband is Mainland Chinese and used to work in the office of his local railway station, Lanzhou (lan-joh) Railway. He knew many conductors. I believe him whole-heartedly when he told me this story:

For the record, after about the 5th to 10th railroad death, a lot of conductors get hardened to it. It's no longer a dead person with a sad family. It's a train delay and a tiring, long, messy cleanup.

So this one guy, late 20s or so, along with the other members of the crew on his train, was driving towards the station for whatever reason. That part wasn't mentioned. In the distance, they saw something along the tracks.

If you hit or near-hit enough people while driving a train, you get real good at spotting people on the tracks, even from a great distance.

So this guy got annoyed. Oh great. Another idiot on the tracks. They pulled the brakes but knew that at their distance and speed, if he didn't get off the tracks, he'd be pulp. They then pulled the horn, dinged the bell, made every warning sound that train was equipped with. The person didn't move.

As the train squealed closer and closer to the person in its attempt to stop, all the guys inside could see it was an old man walking along, and clearly he couldn't hear or see the train. He hadn't laid down or shown any other obvious signs of suicide. He was just ambling down the tracks with his back to the train.

Well sure enough, the train hit the old guy, pushing and dragging him along until it could finally come to a full stop. The conductor was pissed. His train was delayed, throwing off his entire schedule, and they had to scrape down and wash off the bits of the guy. Just a huge annoyance all around. He cursed soundly as they assessed the damage and what they'd do next.

They decided their plan of action and the conductor told one of the crew to turn the body over. The upper part wasn't too chewed up, so when they turned what was left of the old guy over, the conductor got a look at him and froze.


His dad was quite deaf and was hoping to meet his son at the main station, and didn't remember which streets to take from home to get there, so he walked the tracks, knowing they'd lead to the station.

The conductor resigned as soon as they let him.
Thats like a story from the twilight zone You can probably do something with this story...

Thanks for sharing

P.S. next time ease up on making the twist in larger font - it caught my eye before I got to the good part :(
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Old 05-07-2013, 11:21 AM
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For once, I would like to see them lie long ways on the track. It would be cool to see them disected that way.
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Old 05-07-2013, 04:48 PM
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why would u do that yourself? I mean come on, if you cant be talked out of suicide then at least do something LESS dramatic so your friends and family dont have to deal with the images in their minds and the thought of it all.... suicide is so selfish. I wish everyone had 60 seconds after they do it to talk to the God they have (or dont for the atheists) and change their minds just ONCE. Almost like a "free pass"- a one time chance to UNDO it and make life right.....
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Old 05-08-2013, 12:15 PM
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