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"10 Bizarre Explosions That Shouldn't Have Happened"

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"10 Bizarre Explosions That Shouldn't Have Happened" 

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Old 02-17-2010, 11:00 PM
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Incase you want to see the whole thing, this is the site where I got the information from:

1. The sperm whale, which had died on the beach and was being transported back in 2004 through Tainan for study, burst because of gases building up in its body from decomposition. It soaked several cars and curious pedestrians nearby, forcing residents and business owners to wear masks to clean up the debris.

“What a stinking mess. This blood and other stuff that blew out on the road is disgusting, and the smell is really awful,” commented one resident.

The whale weighed 50 tons and was 55 feet long, making it the largest ever found in Taiwan. It was taken to a Tainan university, which sent it on to the Shi-Tsao natural preserve for study. The whale’s girth took 13 hours, three large lifting cranes and 50 workers to get the creature on trailer truck for its final trip.

Despite the mammal’s grisly explosion, enough of the whale remained for it to be researched by marine biologists.

2. An Indonesian man has lost six teeth and received 51 stitches to his mouth after a cigarette he was smoking reportedly exploded, a media report said on Tuesday.

Andi Susanto, a resident of Bekasi near Jakarta, was riding a motorcycle when the cigarette ‘exploded’ in his mouth on Thursday, The Jakarta Post newspaper reported.

Susanto, who admitted he had been a smoker since he was in elementary school, told the Post he was traumatised by the incident and would try to quit smoking.

“It had been always fine,” the 31-year-old was quoted as saying by the Post. “The incident was all so unexpected.”

Susanto’s family is seeking compensation from the company that produced the cigarette, Nojorono Tobacco Indonesia.

The cigarette maker said its products did not contain any explosive material.

Police have not yet established the cause of the explosion.

3. Apple attempted to silence a father and daughter with a gagging order after the child’s iPod music player exploded and the family sought a refund from the company.

The Times has learnt that the company would offer the family a full refund only if they were willing to sign a settlement form. The proposed agreement left them open to legal action if they ever disclosed the terms of the settlement.

The case echoes previous circumstances in which Apple attempted to hush up incidents when its devices overheated.

Ken Stanborough, 47, from Liverpool, dropped his 11-year-old daughter Ellie’s iPod Touch last month. “It made a hissing noise,” he said. “I could feel it getting hotter in my hand, and I thought I could see vapour”. Mr Stanborough said he threw the device out of his back door, where “within 30 seconds there was a pop, a big puff of smoke and it went 10ft in the air”.

4. AN INQUIRER READER attending a conference in Japan was sat just feet away from a laptop computer that suddenly exploded into flames, in what could have been a deadly accident.
Gaston, our astonished reader reports: "The damn thing was on fire and produced several explosions for more than five minutes".
Should you witness such an event, his advice is, "Don't try anything courageous/stupid, stay away, away, away!"

5. Toilet exploded after man sat down and lit up a cigarette, severely burning him and leading to a 10 million dollar lawsuit.

6. A 14-year-old boy in China was killed when his chair exploded, sending chunks of metal into his rectum. The bleeding this caused killed him.

The alleged explosion came from the gas cylinder that was in the base of the chair, the part that allowed the user to adjust the seat up and down. The canister gets compressed when you sit on it, but can it actually create enough energy to make the seat cushion explode like that and kill a man? I doubt it, but this is what people are reporting.

7. 25-year-old chemistry student Vladimir Likhonos, from the city of Konotop in northern Ukraine, died at his parent's house - after relatives heard what was described as 'a loud pop', and rushed into his room.

There they discovered that the lower half of his face had been severely disfigured by the chewing gum blast, with his jaw entirely blown off.
Medical workers who arrived on the scene attempted to treat his injuries but were unable to save him.
Forensic tests carried out on the chewing gum revealed an unidentified chemical substance on it, the Russian news agency Ria Novosti said.
It is thought that the student, who has not been named, had a habit of dipping his chewing gum into powdered citric acid - and investigators believe that he may have mistakenly dipped the gum into the wrong substance, as the two powders appeared very similar, leading to the deadly explosion.
'Anybody could have mixed them up,' said police spokeswoman Elvira Biganova.

Authorities are waiting on the results of further tests by explosives experts to identify the mystery substance. His picture is of him just staring grimly.

8. Cellphone exploded and killed Chinese man.

9. Spray deodorant nearly kills 16-year-old after he applied it. Put a hole in his bathroom ceiling.

10. Man nearly killed and burned severely by his washing machine. At St. Paul man is thankful to be alive tonight, after his washing machine exploded this morning in his basement.

Glenn Johnson of St. Paul put gasoline in his machine to clean some greasy clothing. Johnson says he’s done this for 25 years to break up grease stains.

He puts detergent, water and a little gasoline together and after what happened this morning, he says he’ll never do it again.

“I’ve done it a hundred times before,” Johnson tells 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS. “This is the first time it ever exploded on me.”

Johnson is a mechanic and says it’s a trick his father taught him years ago. He was only supposed to use a little bit of gasoline however, he admits he may have overdone it.

The St. Paul Fire Department says after he put the gas in the washing machine, the vapors dispersed through the building. Then they found an ignition source, probably the hot water heater.

Johnson said he saw a ball of fire coming up from the drain and hit him directly on his body. It burnt both of his legs and the force of the blast blew him out of the laundry room.
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Old 02-17-2010, 11:19 PM
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9. Spray deodorant nearly kills 16-year-old after he applied it. Put a hole in his bathroom ceiling.

this happenned here in Chile about 3 weeks ago...
gotta love my country...
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Old 02-17-2010, 11:36 PM
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Still have aerosol deodorant? That shit's been banned here for years- not for putting a hole in the bathroom ceiling but for putting a hole in the Ozone layer.
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Old 02-18-2010, 01:11 AM
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Lmfao at the whale.
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Old 02-18-2010, 03:12 AM
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i love the pointer in the last one! "now, if I could direct your attention to the ceiling hole"
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Old 02-18-2010, 03:41 AM
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Originally Posted by mrpuck View Post
9. Spray deodorant nearly kills 16-year-old after he applied it. Put a hole in his bathroom ceiling.

this happenned here in Chile about 3 weeks ago...
gotta love my country...

It happened to me once.

It wasn't from Chile though, mine was from Taco Bell.
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Old 02-18-2010, 01:52 PM
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Girl in the first picture is cuuuuute.
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Old 02-18-2010, 03:43 PM
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Girl in the first picture is cuuuuute.
That was her ipod that exploded..
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Old 02-18-2010, 03:46 PM
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not one Tow or rpg?

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Old 02-18-2010, 03:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Aria View Post
....It soaked several cars and curious pedestrians nearby, forcing residents and business owners to wear masks to clean up the debris.

“What a stinking mess. This blood and other stuff that blew out on the road is disgusting, and the smell is really awful,” commented one resident....
Coincidentally, this is exactly what happens when my 'sperm whale' explodes too....

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