What a great police officer. I would have shot that guy the second he pulled his gun out. But then again thats why I would be a terrible police officer.
try that in Miami-Dade........ ha! ha!
fuckin stand offs< shoulda shot the crazy fucker from the moment.:2gunsfirin g_v1:
True. Very true.
Sounded like he recognized his own mistake: "Forgot all my tactical shit". This kid was obviously out for suicide-by-cop and his wish should have been granted the very first half of a second when he pointed the shotgun at the cop! NOT 5 minutes later after he squeezed a round off. I'm not sure I agree with him picking up the phone and calling his kid either, "I've been shot. Don't cry" -- That kid is fucked up for a while now. Glad the cop lived and the asshole died but way too much other stuff happened because of the cop's mistakes.
I remember this. I think I saw the man he was giving a conference at some hospital. I had to make a powerpoint presentation showing the bullet entrance and things like that. That was so long ago like 5 or more years
Its sad that cops need to wait for a criminal pointing a loaded gun at them to actually fire it before they can shoot the criminal. We've forced cops to have to question whether to fire their weapon out of fear for what will happen to them, even in situations like this.
not this case than as it happened in april this year
Shooter went down like a sac of potatoes
Yes I agree a good cop