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Motorcycle Racer Dies - Section 4
Old 07-30-2021, 05:53 AM
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I have no issues with 14 year olds racing around a track on a motorbike and the dangers that it brings, but in order to minimise the risk they should at least make sure all riders understand the basics of how to operate a bike and have an IQ of at least 80. This dumb little shit clearly didn't know how to keep the bike upright so it was actually cruel letting him ride off to his death. Darwinian, but cruel.
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Old 07-30-2021, 02:01 PM
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Originally Posted by DanielPlainview View Post
I have no issues with 14 year olds racing around a track on a motorbike and the dangers that it brings, but in order to minimise the risk they should at least make sure all riders understand the basics of how to operate a bike and have an IQ of at least 80. This dumb little shit clearly didn't know how to keep the bike upright so it was actually cruel letting him ride off to his death. Darwinian, but cruel.
I don't think you know what you're talking about. What happened to him happens to professional adults in motogp. Alot actually. The only difference is in the higher classes the bikes are going much faster.

So they have a better chance to be thrown or slide off the track.

And they wouldn't be very good riders if they kept their bikes upright. He had a bike to his outside in the turn.

This crash begins in the middle of the corner. He's leaning to make the turn and to keep his bike off the outside bike. He just didn't have enough room or he hit that raised curbing in the turn with his foot or peg. Which took a little weight off his rear tire and caused it to slide.

Kinda like when a car fish tails and it catches and sends the car off the road. On a bike when it catches it rotates the bike to the other side rapidly and bucks you off.

This is a very normal crash that happens in many professional races.
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Old 07-30-2021, 08:45 PM
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Originally Posted by overcusser View Post
I'm a track marshal & work MotoGP in Austin. As sad as this is, there's nothing else to be done. All of the riders accept the dangers that come with racing.
Some one else from Austin Texas nice
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Old 07-30-2021, 09:19 PM
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Originally Posted by niknik View Post
I don't think you know what you're talking about. What happened to him happens to professional adults in motogp. Alot actually. The only difference is in the higher classes the bikes are going much faster.

So they have a better chance to be thrown or slide off the track.

And they wouldn't be very good riders if they kept their bikes upright. He had a bike to his outside in the turn.

This crash begins in the middle of the corner. He's leaning to make the turn and to keep his bike off the outside bike. He just didn't have enough room or he hit that raised curbing in the turn with his foot or peg. Which took a little weight off his rear tire and caused it to slide.

Kinda like when a car fish tails and it catches and sends the car off the road. On a bike when it catches it rotates the bike to the other side rapidly and bucks you off.

This is a very normal crash that happens in many professional races.
I know some adult racers die on the track in stupid ways as well. I recommend IQ tests and lessons on how to keep the bike from falling over should be given to the adults as well.
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Old 07-30-2021, 10:19 PM
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Originally Posted by DanielPlainview View Post
I have no issues with 14 year olds racing around a track on a motorbike and the dangers that it brings, but in order to minimise the risk they should at least make sure all riders understand the basics of how to operate a bike and have an IQ of at least 80. This dumb little shit clearly didn't know how to keep the bike upright so it was actually cruel letting him ride off to his death. Darwinian, but cruel.
You’re a hateful, presumptuous, and stupid fuck.
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Old 07-30-2021, 11:23 PM
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Originally Posted by TypeOnegative View Post
Not a 14 year old. At least not in the US. It’d be his parents who accepted the risk of losing the child. The child just gets to do whatever the parents let them or force them to do. AOC. In the US 14 isn’t old enough to legally accept a damn thing.
I'm pretty sure 14 y.o. is not old enough to legally accept a damn thing in any country on the WHOLE American Continent.

I don't know if this would be the case in Europe or Asia, the middle East is another story, if you ever heard about the under age bride marriages to 50 y.o. plus. monsters.
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Old 07-31-2021, 02:41 AM
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Originally Posted by DanielPlainview View Post
I know some adult racers die on the track in stupid ways as well. I recommend IQ tests and lessons on how to keep the bike from falling over should be given to the adults as well.
Well perhaps you don't understand racing. Which the entire point is to go as fast as your machine and ability allow.

With thinking like yours there would be no point to racing. Most racers see the point as pushing the limits of your machine. Riding on the very edge of put of control. Taking a corner so aggressively that 1mph more is impossible.

You ever watch these bikes take corners in slow motion? It's incredible and mind blowing they all are wrecking with as much as the bikes drift .
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Old 07-31-2021, 01:19 PM
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Originally Posted by DanteAntonelli View Post
I'm pretty sure 14 y.o. is not old enough to legally accept a damn thing in any country on the WHOLE American Continent.

I don't know if this would be the case in Europe or Asia, the middle East is another story, if you ever heard about the under age bride marriages to 50 y.o. plus. monsters.
Probably true. I haven’t kept up with European laws, but I spent my childhood in Germany and back them there wasn’t an age of consent so much as a height of consent. They basically decided if you were able to do something by whether or not you could see over a countertop.
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Old 07-31-2021, 10:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Venus_Williams View Post
You’re a hateful, presumptuous, and stupid fuck.
That's very presumptuous of you, you don't have enough info to work with.

Have you named yourself Venus Williams because you're a fan of those tennis sisters? Did you know Serena is actually a man and that's why she's won so many titles? Pretty unfair but obvious, you just need to look at her to know.
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Old 07-31-2021, 10:36 PM
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Originally Posted by niknik View Post
Well perhaps you don't understand racing. Which the entire point is to go as fast as your machine and ability allow.

With thinking like yours there would be no point to racing. Most racers see the point as pushing the limits of your machine. Riding on the very edge of put of control. Taking a corner so aggressively that 1mph more is impossible.

You ever watch these bikes take corners in slow motion? It's incredible and mind blowing they all are wrecking with as much as the bikes drift .
Well perhaps you don't understand racing. The idea is to go really fast without falling off your bike like a dumb cunt. This little shit couldn't even get the basics right. What a disgrace.
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